Sunday, September 30, 2007

It has come to my attention...

...that some of you have not seen or are not familiar with Dennis Kucinich's wife Elizabeth. So for those who have not seen her or are unfamiliar with her here are some pictures of the woman we here at Monkey Muck have named Red Head of the Year:
Now you see why Dennis is grinning like he's the cat who ate the canary in the photo below.
And now maybe you'll see that if he could close the deal with Elizabeth, then he should be able to close the deal any where on any issue with any group. Vote your conscience, vote for Elizabeth's husband in 2008.

Travelling on business or for pleasure soon?

If so then I'd just like to remind you that only the left half of this hotel works properly.

When's the only time most American men tune in to the Women's World Cup?

When someone scores.

Cooking with Dr. Monkey (Birthday Party Edition)

We went to a party last night at my friends Sandra and John's house. The party was in honor in Sandra's turning 29 for the 17th time. It was a lovely affair and mucho fun was had by all. It was a pot luck affair so I got to cook for people other than Sparky and I, woo hoo!

I made my soon to be famous savory bacon spinach casserole with hot habanero croutons, it's now of our new favorites here at el Casa de Monkey, and unlike the last time I took this to Sandra and John's, this time I made it correctly!

Here's the recipe:

I sliced and diced two cloves of garlic, one third of a sweet red bell pepper, a medium sized onion, and a quarter if a small zucchini. I sauteed them all in canola oil with cracked black pepper. I also put some ziti on to boil.

Then when my ziti was done, I cooked up about half a regulation sized box of ziti, I mixed the pasta and the sauteed vegetables together in a 13 x 9 Pyrex pan.

Then I cooked up six pieces of bacon and tore them apart and sprinkled them over the pasta. I added about a half a cup of grated Parmesan Reggianno.

Next I mixed together 3 and 3/4 cups fat free milk with 1/3 cup of flour. I added in two big tablespoons of plain low fat yogurt and I heated that mixture up over medium heat. Then before it could boil I added half a bag of fresh organic spinach. When the spinach was sufficiently wilted and the milk/flour/yogurt sauce was thick I poured it over my pasta.
Then I cubed about three big slices of hot habanero bread that I got from Scratch Bakery here in Johnson City. I tossed it into a pan with some melted Brummel and Brown spread, Brummel and Brown Spread is a yogurt based butter substitute, and I coated the bread cubes all over. After the bread cubes were coated then I tossed them on top of the pasta and I baked the whole shebang for about 8 minutes at 425 degrees.

And this is what it looked like when it came out of the oven. Boo ya, spicy hot, savory, and it's got a green leafy vegetable in it too!

When it was time to eat the kids dug in. Notice how they avoid my casserole.

Still not touching it.

See any on her plate? Nope.

June stepped in to make the kids eat some. Thanks June!

What happened after the boys ate some of my casserole? Why the lil' guys immediately tossed back some soda pop and iced tea to get the taste out of their mouths!

The "habanero effect" had just kicked in by the time Donna and Bobby and their cutie pie daughter Susie got to the party. We were all whacked out of our gourds and it took us all a moment or two to focus properly. Thank goodness Donna brought some cupcakes, after we all ate one we came down from our habanero high, climbed out of the trees, put our clothes back on, and we sat down by a fire that John had built in their fire pit.

More cupcakes were enjoyed and someone even may have slipped us a canoli or three. All in all it was a successful party and to my knowledge no one went home sick from my dish. (Actually I have no idea if any of the kids, and seriously, how good looking are all those kids anyway?, ate my any of my dish but I do know that there was just a little bit left by the time Sparky and I left. And at no point did June force any children to eat my cooking, she did however force us later to eat more cupcakes.)

Oh, one more thing, all you fancy pants Chicago and New York City bloggers who were getting together this weekend, you got nothing on us. All the east TN bloggers who mattered were at Sandra's party, there was me, Sandra (who writes two blogs by the way), Joseph (who writes the Democracy Now! Tri-Cities blog), and Rev. John (who writes Shuck and Jive). Tally it up kids, that's four bloggers and five blogs! Suck on that Chicago and NYC! Oh and I got to meet more people who are willing to admit in public that they read my blog, shout out to Bobby, Donna, and cutie pie Susie!

I hope we helped you have a happy birthday Sandra and I hope you have many more!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Come on over and sit next to the fire. Now, isn't that better? I thought so.

Shirley Henderson fansite

I stumbled across this cool fansite for my adopted actor Shirley Henderson.
Come now, look at that picture. Is she not cute as a button? Ok, now stop staring and go watch the Dr. Who episode she was in or even better watch her in the indie film Intermission.

Missing persons

It is with great sadness that I come before you all to tell you I have had to send two of my adopted actors back to the actors orphanage. I knew I was taking on a full load by writing this blog and adopting four actresses as well but I honestly thought I could handle it.

It turns out I made a mistake, I could not handle all that estrogen and all the gynergy (hat tip to my friend Todd for coining the word "gynergy" so many years ago) that was flowing around here was too much for me to handle. So I had to let two of my actors go.

Cloris, while a super duper woman and actress, a fine vegetarian, and a great mother and grandmother, had quite the drinking problem. She was constantly drinking up our beer and wine and then demanding more. It got so bad that she was downing kegs and terrorizing the neighborhood kids, so off she went. She's in rehab and off my side bar, thank goodness! Remember to "take it easy" "one day at a time" Cloris!

The lovely bosomy Scot Ms. Ashely Jensen was next to go. She insisted on wearing dresses that allowed her boobs to pop out at the drop of a hat and when I began to spend all my time tossing all my hats to the ground when she was around, it became clear that I was not going to get much done. So I sent Ms. Jensen back to the actor's orphanage.
I'm sticking with my first adoptee Archie Panjabi and to keep her company I'm also keeping the feisty and pint sized Scottish lass Shirley Henderson. I'll be able to keep spreading the word about these two fine ladies more often now that I don't have to worry about boobs popping out at in appropriate times and a drunken 70 something yr old woman on the loose.

Mrs. Senator Larry Craig's Tips For Wives

Greetings to all you lawfully wedded wives out in Blog World! It's a treat for me to come before you today to share my tips on how to keep your hubby's from straying from your home and marital bed. As you know the liberal media, the gays and Lebanese, and the surrender monkey Democrat cry babies are trying to make everyone think my hot stud muffin Larry is gay, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth. He's one hot pistol packin' partner who loves to make love to me, his lovely ladywife, and we do it all the time! Sometimes as much as three for four times a year!

I know some of you don't have it as good as I do so I want to share with you the many ways I keep my man happy and at home most nights. Ready? Excellent! Let's get started.

1) Don't wear too much make up but do get that hair done! My Larry loves me looking like this, all freshly coiffed and lady like!

2) Be nice when his friends come by for a visit.
Here's a shot of us with Larry's good friend Dirty Sanchez. He comes to see us quite a bit. Larry really likes him!

3) They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach so I have become quite the cook! Here's a peek in my grocery basket. As you can tell Larry and I like our sweets and our meats!
4) Give your husband a "play room" where he and his manly friends can relax and have fun together.

5) Don't be afraid to give your hard working husband some space and perhaps even let him go fishing or on vacation with his best friend sometimes.
That's all I have time for now, I've got to go join my friends at the Pocatello Prescription Pill Pop-a-torium and Potent Potables Pageant. It's grapefruit juice and grain alcohol night so I don't want to be late! Ta ta now!

Friday, September 28, 2007

I'll never understand

I'll never understand why anyone would believe a word this drug addict draft dodger says about others who serve in the military or in public office. He's managed to avoid doing both. I'll never understand why anyone would think that this is not a man. "Her" Adam's apple is bigger than mine.

I'll never understand why we should believe anything this bastard says about anything any more. He was supposed to be a uniter not a divider and he was supposed to be the environmental President, how those things end up for us? He also said that the war was over and that we'd won it about three years ago. If we won then why are thousands still dying and our tax dollars going down a rat hole? I'll never understand why this bastard is not under arrest for his war crimes. Who do you think got Halliburton that no bid contract? It was the man who said we'd be greeted as liberators and who said he knew where the WMD's were.
I guess the people who do understand that stuff must be the same mouth breathers who think this thing is a fair and balanced journalist.

Protest March Video

Someone shot some great video of our anti war protest march on 9-22 and my pal Sandra over at Concerned Citizens put it up on her blog, go by her place and say hello, would it kill you?

When you watch it you'll be able to see the guys from Chickenhawk Thunder roll past us on their phallic symbols as they try to menace us into keeping quiet. You can also see the giant Bush puppet that was made for the march.

Our march may look cheesy to some but it will remain one of the proudest moments of my life. I was proud to have helped organize it and to have marched side by side with those two hundred plus people.

Alas Monkey lovers, I closely checked both videos, (see the other shorter video at the link above) and you can not see me in the throng of peace loving anti war protestors.

And now Jane Lynch would like to sing you a song

So please put down your rusty trombone and adjust your Cincinnati bow tie and give her your full attention.

Thanks. You may now return to whatever it is you were doing.

If you want to know kind of what I'm really like

Then look no further than Larry David's character on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Except I'm not quite as old, or Jewish, or obscenely rich, or bald. But his character pretty much is like me. When we watch it, which we do obsessively ever since we've been getting free HBO for whatever reason, and Cheryl David is suffering through another indignity brought on by her stubborn as a mule husband Sparky says, "Oh, I so know what she's going through. I totally know how she feels!" And of course I usually say back, "Well, he's right! It's not his fault people can't understand that."

Oh yeah, I kind of look like him too. Except I'm blonde, I have brown plastic rim glasses, and I have a pot belly. And Sparky kind of looks like his soon to be ex wife Laurie David. Heck, we must be the Southern working class gentile them.

This post was inspired in part by this post by my blog brother Samurai Frog.

European politicians rule once again

Would you take a look at that Polish campaign poster? How great is that?

And now look what we get stuck with, a bloodthirsty chickenhawk who has bad gas and can't pronounce the names of his worldwide counterparts unless someone writes them out phonetically for his dumb ass.

Who's holding our Crunky now?

I was holding our Crunky until my inappropriate crush Jane Goodall shoved that banana in my mouth. Oh Jane, I let you get away with murder because I love you so. Sigh.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Interview with Fred Thompson

I managed to track Fred Thompson down for this the last of my interviews with the Republican Presidential candidates but to be honest after interviewing all the other rich old crazy Reichwingers, I couldn't stomach talking to ol' fraud Fred. But not to worry folks, I asked my fellow Tennessean the lovely Reese Witherspoon to interview him for us!

Dr. Monkey: Reese, thanks so much for doing this. If I had to talk to one of those crazy bastards again I'm afraid I would have committed murder.

Reese Witherspoon: Oh, no problem Dr. Monkey. I'm happy to help the wheels of democracy spin! It's ever so important that all voters know exactly where the candidates stand.

Dr. M: I mean it, thanks. I'll be in the next room if there any trouble. I'm gonna put on a Wayne Newton CD and dance around while you do this dirty deed for me.

RW: Okay cutie. Have fun!
Dr. M: You too sweetie! Okay send in old fraud Fred.

Fred Thompson: Well, well lookie here who they got interviewing me. It's little Reese Weatherston.

RW: Witherspoon.

FT: Whatever. Come sit next to Pappa Fred and you ask him whatever little questions you got honey bunny.

RW: I'll just sit here across the room from you. I hope you understand.

FT: I'll tell you what I understand, I understand that you've grown up quite a bit young lady. And you've filled out too. Heh, heh, heh.

RW: Ummm, could you stop looking at my boobs? My face is up here.

FT: I was just enjoyin' your God given beauty lil lady. A nice smellin' old white dude like me is entitled to oogle you pretty gals.

RW: You are creeping me out, please stop it. Now, I wanted to ask you about the bogus war on terror that you support...

FT: Heh, heh, heh, that is so cute. A fine looking lil piece of tail like you trying to act all smart like you know what's going on and askin' me that question and all. You know what honey? You are just so cute I'm gonna have to give you a little kissey.

RW: Stay right where you are and stop looking at my boobs!

FT: Now, now, you calm down lil Missy. Ol' Uncle Fred don't mean you no harm. He just wants to search you for WMD's, heh, heh, heh.

RW: You calm down you old letch. Tell me your position on a woman's right to choose.

FT: You gals have got the choice of being on top of me or me being on top of you! That's the only choice I'm willing to give y'all.

RW: Wow. You know what? I bet you can't even get it up anymore.

FT: Oh don't you worry about that you lil hot potato you. Uncle Fred carries a pocket full of Viagra at all times. Here stick your hand in there and feel it.

RW: I'd rather suck start a 727 jet than touch you.

FT: Now we both know you don't mean that. We both know that all you Southern gals want to jump my bones. Why look at my sexy young wife Terri. She wants to ride my throbbin' bobbin all the time. We've even had a kid and no my kid does not look like the pool boy no matter what rumors you hear. And look at that country singer Lorrie Big Jugs. She wanted me too, still does in fact. And you're just another in the long line of Southern gals who want Pappa Fred to give them the ol' hot BBQ injection.

RW: I'd rather seal my vagina forever with Krazy Glue than make the beast with two backs with you.

FT: Now, now, you cain't mean that. You're a Memphis girl and that means you all want to have sex with me. I'm tellin' you girl, this body of mine is so hot that all y'all love it like a Democrat loves a social welfare program.

RW: Okay, this is good. We're coming back to politics again. Now, tell me what are the two most pressing issues out there today?

FT: Heh, heh, heh, your right boob and your left boob pressing up into my out stretched hands. Ya'll ever hear of a lil thang called motorboatin'? I'd love to try that on you Reesey.

RW: Umm, no thanks. Boy I see why Dr. Monkey hates doing these interviews with all of you now. Hey. I've got an idea. Let's play a game shall we? It's called, "Who's won what." Raise your hand if you've won an Academy Award. Well I see only my hand is in the air.

FT: Now that's not fair. I'm not near as good an actor as you are. I've never been nominated for an Oscar. But I have been nominated for KKK Man of the Year for my portrayal of a white supremacist on Wiseguy.

RW: Let's recap shall we? Oscar winner, me. Sex mad old fraud, you. I win. Now, you'll need to get out of here now. Dr. Monkey and I are going for a swim and you need to leave so we can fumigate this room. Thanks for dropping by and please don't come again. Bye now.

RW: That was horrendous! I'm so proud of you for doing all the ones before that one. Hey, Monkey, can I tell you something?

Dr. M: Sure Reese.

RW: You're looking mighty hot.

Dr. M: You're not so bad yourself Reese. But unlike you I'm not available. Sorry sugar.

RW: (Sigh) All the good ones are taken. Oh well.