Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And now, some illustrations defend President Bush

In a recent interview with NBC our Idiot in Chief said that the looming recession was not caused by the war. In fact he said that we were not going to have a recession at all, he then went on to claim that the economic slow down was due to too many houses being built. His remarks drew praise from an unusual source, these 1950's and 60's illustrations. They're all quick to defend Bush. Let's hear them out, shall we?

Mr. Smith the barber says, "He's right. Too many damn houses over here is what is ruining our country. We need to stop building houses over here and build them in Iraq instead."

His customer Timmy said, "I cry myself to sleep every night because my Daddy died in the war of terror."

Comrade Chen said, "Hurry Comrade Lu, there are American bloggers who mock great thinker George Bush. We must go and silence them so that no one notices how much of their economy we control!"

Comrade Lu replies, "Bush must prevail now so that we prevail later! Lead me onward to the sturggle comrade!"

"I've got something for those fancy book learning creeps who mock our President," said Nurse Jones.
Susie says, "My family has learned to love water soup! It's all we can afford thanks to the way our President has handled the economy. We've all lost a lot of weight on this water soup diet, now my mommy isn't a fat cow anymore so now I love her again!"

Mr. Blanchard has this to say, "Being homeless isn't so bad. We lost our house when I went bankrupt after trying to pay Marge's medical bills. We don't miss that old house so much. The important thing is that Blackwater and Halliburton go on making money off the war. We'll find a nice big appliance box, don't worry about us."The Thompson kids want you to know this, "Gee, we hope they don't build any of those dumb economy ruining houses here in this field, we hope they build another mall that sells stuff no one can afford in this field."
And let's give the last word to Mr. Jenkins. "Leave us the hell alone. We've had enough of that mad man, we're rowing to New Zealand! We can't get away from those asshats Bush and Cheney fast enough."


pissed off patricia said...

I'm about ready to hop into the Jenkin's boat.

Damn, you are so good with using pictures and telling a story. I like that a lot.

Mnmom said...

My maiden name is Jenkins - he he he. Again, nail on the head Dr. Monkey

dguzman said...

Not only am I reeling from your hard-hitting political analysis, but the kiddie porn in pic 3 really took me by surprise! Who knew the kiddie porn industry also supports Bush!? That's an eye-opener, man.

Is there room in the Jenkins' boat for me? I'll row my share!

C.J. said...

I'm with Jenkins too!!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

PoP-Thanks for your kind words.

MnMom-Thanks hon.

Dguzman-That illustration is from a French kids book about being good. Freaky huh.

CJ-Love your new avatar.

Coaster Punchman said...

Wow, you should really write children's books!

Dr. Zaius said...

What a great post. And I love all of the illustrations!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Coaster-I'm too subversive.

Dr. Zaius-Most of them came from an old "science" textbook from a local christian school.