Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We interrupt classic country month to bring you...

...the swinging sounds of Black 47.

That's okay kids, you can thank me later.


Johnny Yen said...

My upstairs neighbor/landlord, who is of Irish ancestry, named his daughter Ceili.

My favorite Black 47 song is "Maria's Wedding."

Anonymous said...

golly! hairstyles like that went out of style, why?

(actually, that was quite enjoyable. thank you!)

Mnmom said...

His hair looks like mine

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Good tune, Dr M, but I can't quite get past how much that guy looks like Jerry Springer.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Johnny-Mine is "Fire of Freedom."

Commander-My pleasure sir.

MnMom-Get a new stylist.

Barb-Look past the hair to the discography.

Anonymous said...

Love these guys but never knew what they looked like. Jerry Springer indeed. Kind of a cross between Thomas Dolby and glenn Beck (no disrespect intended to Mr. Dolby).
I always picture them like one of the blokes from Trainspotting. Ya, I know they're Scottish, shaddap.