Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One down, two to go

Castro resigned today.

Too bad these two won't do the same thing.

If they did then we'd be rid of three of the world's dictators. And then maybe after those asshats were gone we could start dismantling the corporate power structure that is strangling us all.


Mnmom said...

I'm wondering what a Castro retirement would look like . . . a condo in Miami? a Panama hat? Lots of cigars I'm sure.

Claire said...

I'm waiting for them to take credit for his resignation. Old age? Ill health? No, it was the firm resolve of the Bush administration that brought down Castro.

Gifted Typist said...

They will be gone, on Nov 2.

Jess Wundrun said...

Thankyou monkeyman for not using the photoshop of Bush using the constitution as asswipe. eeeeuughgh.

Anonymous said...

Reagan brought about Castro's resignation, right?

C.J. said...

The entire world would cheer if those two asshats resigned.

Romius T. said...

less than a year to go!

dguzman said...

And they can take down all the crappy dictators they support too, like Musharef (aka Mr. Lonely).