"Hi. I'm alternative film darling Lilly Taylor's sister Billy. It pisses me off that Sleestak is attacking Dr. Monkey and saying that he sexually harasses women. That is so untrue. Dr. Monkey's raw animal magnetism and virile odor make it impossible for any woman who is close to him to not want to rip his clothes off and ride him like a three wheeled Mercedes. He's just soooo hot us gals can't help ourselves. Sleestak should shut up and let Dr. Monkey spend a weekend with those Hayley clones of his and then they might get satisfied like some of us have already. In fact, I'm gonna walk like an Egyptian until he does just that."

"Hi. I'm Belle Undsebastian. Did you know that Phydeaux's running mate is a cat? And that Phydeaux is a Communist? And a practitioner of the black art of dentistry? If he gets elected that cat will pee everywhere and Phydeaux will pull all our teeth until we give him all our money. It's sick I tell ya, just sick."

"Hi, Bobby Wells here. I'm head of Kids for Monkerstein. My folks won't let me watch Lost in Space anymore because Dr. Smith is a time travelling sexual predator and he smells funny. Also Dr. Smith wants to give all washed up kid actors tax breaks. Can you imagine what Lisa Welchel, Blair from Facts of Life, would do if she had more money in her pocket? That ho would give it to Jesus or something and I might not get that neat-o interstate off ramp built near my house because of that. How bad would that suck?"

This message was brought to you by the Monkerstein/David 2008 Campaign and in no way were any of these people under any sort of mind control by Dr. Monkey when statements were made.
you are so wrong on every level, child. this is going to be one hell of an election. thanks god I have front row seats.
If I'm wrong to wear that Speedo, then I don't wanna be right.
some of us would vote for Dr. Monkey von Monkerstein if he swore never to wear that speedo again?
Commander-You dare question my decision to wear the Speedo of power? How dare you sir, how very dare you!
If you wear your speedo any tighter, it will cut off all the circulation to your brain. Oops! Too late.
I wore a Speedo once, it was so uncomfortable. Then I realized that I had it on backwards.
Dr. Zaius-I see someone's jealous of my physique.
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