Friday, July 20, 2007

And now a word from George W. Bush

Mah fellow Amurikins. I have good news and I have bad news. I will give you the good news first.

Some of ya'll who is real quick in the brain sees that I am now your Pope as well as bein' yer PresidentKing. I now have power over yer souls 'n' shit as well as over yer bodies and minds.

I am naming myself Pope W the first. Catchy huh?

Anyhoo, now that I'm head of the one true faith that means I am, much like I was before, infallible. That means Ah kin not make mistakes and everything I says is true. I now come before you to tell you that Cardinal What'shisface,

yep, that's him, was right in sayin' that if any of ya'll say anything bad against the war then ya'll is givin' aid and comfort to the enemies of the USA and the one true faith. Heck, I been sayin' that shit all along. So now since what I say is automatically right, what my peeps say is automatically right too.

I will begin each day by extracommunicating any of you smug intellectuals and bloggers and Keith Olbermann and yes even other Republicans who speak out against the war. This is a holy crusade we is on over there so ya'll just shut up or you're going to hell. Do I really mean it? Hells to the yeah I do.

We are making progress over there, we have turned a corner, we have met the enemy and he is us, oops I mean we be he. The enemy I mean.

So just remember that I am in charge now, of this government, the wars, and of the one true faith so ya'll just kick back and do what I say and no one gets hurt. Unless you live in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or are black, or you is a female, or you oppose me. You got that Amurika?

Okay, that was the good news.

Now for the bad news, I done seem to have lost mah big ass pointy hat. Any of ya'll seen it? Aww, fuck it, ya'll can kiss my ring and my ass without it.


Anonymous said...

Bush and Cheney have got to go....

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

D Cup-Now. They have to go NOW.