Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The first family of delusion

The Bushes are the first family of delusion and here's why:

  • Bush the first wants Jeb to be President. Or a US Senator from Florida. Can someone please tell that old obsequious bag of greed that this country is not his to play with? And right after you tell him that, please tell him that after the hit job his other son did on us it'll, hopefully, be a cold day in hell before we let anyone else who sprang from his loins be in charge again. I see why papa Bush wants Jebby in office, he'll be just as good to the robber barons as his other kid was but come the hell on, does the old man not see how much his off spring is hated right now? Blind people can see it from miles away.

  • Bush the second, or as I like to call him, Bush the Worst, has decided to punt the whole Middle East situation to Obama. Remember a year ago when the man who only paid attention the Middle East only if it dripped oil on his murderous blood soaked hands said that his lasting legacy would be peace between Israel and her enemies? We all see how well that turned out. For eight years they ignored the festering situation in the West Bank and Gaza. They allowed Israel to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people and do whatever else they wanted because their version of Christianity means that there is no justice for people who suffer at the hands of their occupiers. So both the Palestinian and the Israeli populations have to suffer because Bush thinks that Jesus will come back and save his ass if Israel starts world war 3 in Gaza. Well you soon to be out of work delusional bastard, I got news for you. If Jesus actually did come back during all this fighting int he Middle East that you let happen, he's not going to pat you on the ass and tell you what a good boy you've been. Nope not at all. Jesus will however go straight to where the suffering is greatest in Gaza and he'll live with and help out the afflicted Palestinians. If you read your bible Georgie, you'd remember that Jesus was against the entrenched religious order of his day, and he'll be against the entrenched political religious order that you have inflicted on us today.

  • And finally we come to Laura Bush. Technically she's only a Bush by marriage but she's bought into their delusions as well. Someone please tell her that not only is her husband a failure, he's a an epic failure. He's failure personified. He is, to paraphrase Dorothy Parker, failure with raisins. Laura honey, you're taking stand by your man to new absurd heights. Your husband failed at every policy change he tried to make. The only things he did in his reign of terror was he enriched the already obscenely wealthy corporate robber barons and he plunged us into two, count 'em two, unnecessary wars. Laura sugar, if you don't think your husband has been a failure then per haps you don't know what the word failure means. If that's the case I'd be glad to send you a dictionary so you could look the word up. And Laura, if you did look it up you'd see the face of your chicken hawk husband right next to the word failure in that dictionary.


Distributorcap said...

you nailed it, but never underestimated the stupidity of the american public

they love their bushes! and the media is their willing partners - they let them all get away with murder - george for the murder in the middle east, laura for murdering her boyfriend and now jeb.

hate is too good a word for the bushes

Karen Zipdrive said...

I really don't think the American public will stand for any more Bushes in the White House.
Florida might be stupid enough to put Jeb in the Senate, but he simply cannot go any further, not with Sarah Palin waiting in the wings.

Mel said...

Not another one :S

Being a third world country inhabitant during all their "time" in the White House, I see things from a different perspective as the "American public". It is scary, VERY scary.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

like old mama bush said, "WHY BOTHER HER BEAUTIFUL MIND!!??"

with a mother like that and then his daddy...

lisahgolden said...

One can only hope that our dynasty days are over.

Mnmom said...

1. Agreed
2. Agreed
3. Totally F***ING Agreed!

barbie2be said...

as i saw on a bumper sticker somewhere yesterday...

W = the WORST president EVER!

Megan said...

I really, really, really like this blog.

S.M. Elliott said...

Can someone please tell that old obsequious bag of greed that this country is not his to play with?

I'd like to do that, and I would, but it seems he's right. The US of A is his own little sandbox, apparently. He can pee in it at his discretion.

As for Laura, I'd also be in deep denial about having voluntarily wed and (worse) and stayed married to the guy who turned out to be the worst president in U.S. history. I'm talking coma denial. That girl needs an intervention.

lulu said...

"He is, to paraphrase Dorothy Parker, failure with raisins. "

been reading my blog again?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Lulu-Duh. Where do you think I got that quote to paraphrase in the first place.