Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another whiny Republican

My douchebag Republican Congressman David Davis lost his primary to a challenger, as I gleefully reported the day after the results were in, and now he's retained a high priced Washington DC law firm, the kind they rail against all the time, to help him stay in office. He claims that there were (gasp!) Democrats who voted in our district's open primary, that means anyone can vote in either party's primary if they damn well want to, with the express purpose of removing him from office.
That's my lil' buddy in the center being told that he must be 'this tall to serve in Congress.'
Davis has decided not to concede because he says that there is a conspiracy afoot to get him out of office. He says that state law prohibits people who have an established voting record of voting for one party to cross over and vote in the other party's primary. He is on record saying that any one who knows of any Democrats who voted for his opponent should call his campaign office and turn them in so that his legal team can hunt them down. Being the responsible citizen I am I dutifully called his office and I left him a message. I told him that I saw little green men voting for his rival. I told them I also saw Osama Bin Laden and several other Arabic looking men who told me they voted for his rival. After I told them I also saw Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid voting for his rival, I told him that his tactics would give us all yet another reason to be proud of him and that the little baby Jesus would surely smile on his efforts to thwart the will of the people of this district.
Hey, you know what? You can join in the fun by calling his campaign office and leaving a message too! Please be nice and give him all the respect he deserves when you call him at 423-773-8861. You can also reach him at his soon to be ex office in Washington DC by calling 202-225-6356. And you can also reach him at his local district offices by calling 423-323-1235 or 423-317-7459.
Read all about the current plight of my whiny cry baby Congressman, who by the way wants to keep cock fighting legal, here. After I read that article I looked up the phrase crazy as a loon cry baby in the dictionary and I found Davis's picture next to the definition. He's symptomatic of the kind of whiny bullshit the Republicans are going to pull the day after Obama and company drive them from office on election day. Gird your loins people, it's going to be a tough fight dislodging these Republicans in November.
(Fez tip to my rabble rousin' buddy Rev. John over at Shuck and Jive for doing a post about this first. I get all my local news over there since I don't read my local paper.)


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am going to be damn glad when ya'll's election is finally friggin' over. It takes us a maximum of 2 months from the moment someone decides we should have an election until the last ballot is counted and announced. It takes you guys, what... 3 years or something? If you came out of it at the end with some sort of god-like, superhuman, luminous president, it would totally be worth it. But what happens instead? And the crazy thing is that you guys seem to really get into and enjoy this process from beginning to end. I take my hat off to you for your sheer endurance and endless capacity for hopes for better things

Ubermilf said...

He looks awfully slumpy. Is he some sort of amphibian?

Elizabeth said...

There are a lot of Republican barnacles we need to scrape of our National Barge. This guy is going to be a tough scrape.

Snad said...

My letter to the leditor is in today's JC Press and Bristol H-C. I'll be giving my buddy DD a call later on.

I love what he's doing. If he had a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting into office again, he is blowing it big time. It makes out work Soooooooooooo much easier when they do that!

Anonymous said...

He wants to keep cockfighting legal? What an asshole. I'm so glad he lost. Hopefully he stays lost like the shrub should have in ought 2 & 4, respectively.

Swinebread said...

Hey that's great!

Micgar said...

Monkey-is your whiny Rethug as bad as Steve (so right wing he's left and then back to right wing) Pearce?
Monkey-this guy is a creep-with a capital C! He sides with the evangelical right, and takes every opportunity to make sure we know he is waging a far right holy war against the "hippies"!
There are more than a couple of extreme far right creepies running for office this election year here in NM! Arrgh!
Anyway-glad to see you are rid of this whiner! I loved what you did to the asshole-little green men!

I hope Udall kicks Pearce's ASS also!