Monday, July 28, 2008

Those liberals and gays will kick your ass every time

The shooting spree that took place yesterday in Knoxville, which is about an hour and a half west of Monkey Central, showed just how much conservatives hate modern America. The ones who did not do the shooting, the hacks in the NRA and the corporate media, will all cry, "This is not the time to talk about gun control! We need more citizens armed so they can do things like this! After we kill teh gays we'll go after women who have had abortions and people who don't love the same Jesus that we do!" And now we know that the piece of shit who did the shooting hated liberals and gays more than life itself.

I guess the shooter bought into the media meme, pushed mostly by the cowards at the National Review Online, that us liberals and gays would just sit idly by while someone with a big gun shot us all down. He must have thought that those heroes in that church congregation were just going to cower and whimper while he sprayed hot conservative Republican lead in all directions.

Well Mr. Asshole Big Gun Totin' Shooter, I guess you found out different. I'm betting now that your ass is in jail you wish you hadn't listened to all those lies that said liberals and gays were weak and wouldn't defend themselves and their children. I'm willing to go so far as to say that when you get sent to prison for the rest of your life and Big Bubba and or Big Tyrone is anally raping you without the benefit of lubing you up first then boy howdy you'll be wishing you hadn't listened to all that hate filled right wing talk radio that said that burly conservative Republicans with guns could do just whatever they wanted.

Make no mistake people, the man who did this shooting is a conservative Republican or possibly a Libertarian and his motives were to wipe out as many liberals, gays, and gay friendly people as he could. He was no doubt hopped up on right wing hate radio and FOX news. So when they try and convict this piece of crap they ought to be trying Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, and all the rest of the right wing hate mongers in the corporate media along with him.

Somehow I doubt the heroes of this shooting will be lionized and feted in the press. The press, with the possible exception of Keith Olbermann, will ignore the fact that the shooter was a product of right wing radio and FOX news and they'll ignore or gloss over the fact that the people who stopped him were liberal gay friendly people. And I'm willing to bet that some right wing religious nut job is going to say that the people in that church got what they deserved because they're liberal and gay loving.

Let this be a lesson to all you people out there who hate liberals, gays, and gay friendly people, if you fuck with us we will defend ourselves, even if you have a gun.


Wandering Coyote said...

I am only vaguely aware of this story. CBC was too busy covering Obama's ME tour.

My dad is a libertarian, sort of...well, in the ways that count, anyway. Everyone needs to be armed! Oh yes! Switzerland proves it makes society safer!


Mnmom said...


Anonymous said...

Okey dokey. So here's the exchange between the rightwingers in our office. (mind you they share many of the shooter's beliefs about "liberals")

Winger #1: So did you hear about the church shooting in Tennessee?

Winger #2: Yep. That was bad.

Winger #1: Yep. Now that guy was crazy.

See? He was crazy. Not his beliefs, but him. He's crazy.

Again I say, okey dokey.

mwb said...

Ah, shooting up churches on Sunday. So where does that fall in the "What Would Jesus Do" continuum?

Bridget Jones said...

Jail will cure that moron.

Elizabeth said...

The Big Irony of Mr. Asshole Big Gun Totin' Shooter's Day:

He'll be gay before he knows it IN JAIL.

Rot on, Dude!

Ripley said...

I'm right there with you on most of it, Dr. M., but for a couple things:

1 - Politics aside, this guy obviously had some demons (I mean secular, mind-type demons). It's unfortunate that he found direction from those people, but I don't think anyone would say this was a purely partisan/politically motivated event.

1a (a caveat) - I'm sure that we'll hear some "See? Counseling doesn't work!" BS, once the likes of Malkin, et al feel this man is hitting too close to home (and their book sales). It's what they do.

2 - The jail rape reference is a little over the top and, frankly, not the kind of social stereotype we progressive folks should be gleefully engaging in. It's about Justice, remember.

You know I love you, brother. Well, maybe you don't - but I do. I know you're angry about things but let your better side show.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Hey ripley I'll write what the hell I like when I feel like it. If you don't like what I write on my personal blog that I have complete control over then you can go elsewhere. You may not like the idea that the piece of shit who did these shootings is going to get raped in prison, if he ever goes there that is, but I sure as hell do. It's fitting that a homophobe who tries to kill gays and liberals gets what's coming to him in his end. And just so you don't mistake what I am telling you, this is my blog and I write what I damn well please on it with out input from anyone else. Got it? I hope so.

Ubermilf said...

I don't watch Fox News or listen to conservative talk radio (my stomach can't take it), but I wonder if they have denounce this person's murder spree.

Micgar said...

I really think this is more directly linked to his input of Fox News, right wingnuts like Malkin, Coulter etc. Yes, he was probably unstable beforehand, had "demons", but the ultra far right garbage he ingested definitely didn't help!