Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good job Bill, Sean, and Michael

They found books by Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Michael savage in the Knoxville church shooters house. Those three and Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, and the rest of the religious right have demonized and attacked liberals and gays for the past 30 years. I'm actually shocked some of their followers didn't do something like shoot a Unitarian church up sooner than this.

And sadly some on the right are dismissing his hatred for liberals as the reason for the shootings. They're even going so far as to say that it smells like a cover up because the guy was out to discredit conservatives by killing people in a gay friendly church. They have no shame and they will accept no blame for their hate speech and hatred of other Americans.

I'll be willing to bet that there is no mention of the shooters reading list on FOX news and they'll be blaming the liberal media for the whole mess. After all, that's what conservatives do best, blame others for what they have wrought.


Jess Wundrun said...

I've seen the morning news. No mention of the reading list. But I am not surprised.

NotSoccer Mom said...

honestly, i'm still trying to get my head around the fact that there's a unitarian church in TENNESSEE, of all places! we're unitarians!

Life As I Know It Now said...

Yeah, FOX isn't gonna take the blame for the hate crimes they endorse and encourage. asswipes!

Johnny Yen said...

What is the problem that the right has with the truth?

I read that one of the things that tipped him was that he got a notice that his food stamps were being reduced or cut off. Um, it wasn't the liberals who did that. And it wasn't the liberals who got us into this bloody and costly war and recession that caused the budget cuts that cost him his food stamps.

Micgar said...

"Next up on Hannity and Colmes: 'Could the shooter at the church have been stopped if all the members of the church been packing heat?' And why have liberal gun laws targeted those who would like to carry M-16's into their church of choice for protection from deranged, (probably liberal) shooters."