Monday, July 28, 2008

Let's see what your 1950's neighbors are up to

Instead of cruising the park for male "companionship" Mr. Smith from down the block spends his free time making metal fish.

The Gliddenhouser twins are going to bed early after having their nightly "hernia check" courtesy of their Uncle Vernon.

Mrs. Plank's family finally fell asleep and it's time for her to take some of her "mommy medicine."

Mr. Stone is planting explosives in his tool handles in the hopes that the husband of the Roman Catholic family down the street will borrow them.

Mrs. Hansen is getting ready to go "visit a shut in" who's located in room #413 at the Crest Motel.

Madge from across the street is calling the FBI and telling them that everyone in your neighborhood is a Communist.
Young Nancy Blake is simply cleaning the house. She is not removing evidence and her parents are not dead, they're visiting relatives in Ontario.

Gimpy Jim is in his basement taking "art photos" of small animals again.

So as you can tell, it's just another quiet night at your 1950's neighbor's houses.


Mnmom said...

Holy Cow, the things that are in your head my friend!

Freida Bee said...

Aw, the 50's were such wholesome times. I miss not being allowed to wear pants the most.

dguzman said...

OMG I am laughing my little poison-ivy-itchy-covered butt off right now! (Sad story later on my bloggy) Beautiful post!

Anonymous said...

There you go again, hating on what's good and pure about America.

Missy said...

Oh my gosh! My Mom does not visit shut ins! She stopped that years ago. No! NO! NO! LA la la la la la I'm not listening!

Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad it's 2008.

Sort of.

Dean Wormer said...

"Mommy medicine."


Blueberry said...

I love your brain, Dr.M.

Glad the metal fish maker is now able to make a couple of bucks at the art fair.

Anonymous said...

Whhhhhell! You could have knocked me over with a feather. I had no idea; simply no idea.

mwb said...

Mrs. Hansen can shut me in anytime!

Anonymous said...

And they said "Winesburg, Ohio" was fiction.

Nicely done.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Mrs. Hansen taught me everything I know.

Crayons said...

These are too good. I love the illustrations, and then your narration adds such an uncomfortable twist.