Thanks for nothing!
Would it have killed one of you to put down your Molson and your Canadian bacon sandwich and walk a few feet to take a freakin' picture? Could you not have turned off the CBC so you could have done me this one favor I asked of you? Were those issues of Macleans just so damn absorbing that you couldn't have helped out a fellow North American?
Citizens of Toronto you are now on my shit list. I hope the Blue Jays suck this year and I hope Les Habs kick your Maple Leaf thong wearing butts all over the ice. Since I hate the NBA with a hate that burns white hot, I hope your Raptors get beat every single time they play. Don't bother apologizing to me you citizens of Toronto, you are all dead to me now.

Hey Monkey_I tagged you-its kinda easy-see my blog for the details!
I am ashamed of Toronto. No "Mr. Sub" for a month!
Meanwhile, did you see this:
Monkey-sorry-I know this one has gone around a lot! Maybe next time!
first, I want to say that your hockey team looks like it would kicks ass, second at least you are trying with your adoptee, i'm afraid i have failed miserably, ever since i mentioned her name and incest together i cant get kerry howley's attention, oh well...
Now you feel the pain the rest of the country feels towards the T(dot). It's practically our national sport. Some of us have such a hate, they made a movie about it: "Let's All Hate Toronto" (http://imdb.com/title/tt1135977/)
Poor Dr. Monkey. If there's ever anything cool filming in Halifax, I'll get right on it.
Missy-You are harsh girl, and I like it.
Micgar-Sorry man but I've done that meme to death.
Romius-Get Kerry Howley attention by shooting an ex Beatle. It worked for that other guy.
Karen-Good to see I am not alone on this.
Jane-It's a deal!
No apology from me but I live north of the city so that doesn't count right? A little north, a little nicer as they say.
What a let-down. And I thought Toronto-ans were cool. What. Evah. Buncha losers.
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