Good question Jess. (Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do here young lady, this is another in your attempts at causing wider rifts between me and my fellow simians!) Actually Jess, nothing is "holding" us monkeys back. We monkeys are worshipped as gods in India,

I shouldn't be doing this but since I am one of the most intelligent monkeys alive I'll go ahead and tell you that at the last World Monkey Congress we voted to let chimps and gorillas do all the grunt work when the apes take over and then we monkeys, along with a few gibbons, will swoop in and take control. We'll then spare any descendants of bloggers I like from Dr. Zaius's lobotomies.
Thanks for sending your question in Jess! Want to see your burning question answered? Well smart guy, you've got to send one in first! Send in your questions this January to monkeymuckATgmailDOTcom and I'll do my best to answer them if I can.
That was Adam's favorite book when he was two! After that, it was "Go, Dogs, Go!" He's always loved the classics.
I have a question. Why can't I just write my question in the comment section?
Ha! The only thing that monkeys did at the last World Monkey Congress was scare the waiters!
I think Monkey love's campaign makes John Kerry's campaign look like Bill Clinton's campaign. That is what is holding the monkey back. I mean I can't stress it enough, Joe Lieberman as your running mate will not win you an election. It back fires as badly as Oprah endorsing Obama.
A little tail has always been considered a good thing.
Some may disagree but our monkey's all had tail-ectomies and the spawn turned out just fine!
Johnny-Good to see he liked books when he was young.
UberMILF-It's my blog, I set the rules.
Dr. Z-It was the only way we could get service.
Evil D.-Perhaps you should take a chill pill and relax.
Kirby-I got to agree with you on that.
Mathman-The Spawn with tails, what a mental image that is.
Thankyou for considering my question, Dr. Monkey. You have cleared up absolutely nothing.
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