It's been colder than Christian charity here for the past few days and I wanted something warm and brothy for supper, so I made us some soup and hummus last night. The soup I made is an Irish cabbage and potato soup called Colcannon and I found the recipe in an issue of Cooking Light magazine a few years ago. The hummus recipe I use is based on one of Dr. Andrew Weil's recipes.
Ready? Ok! Let's cook.

I started off by peeling these five potatoes and then I chopped them in to small cubes and I put them on to boil. I boiled them in two cups of chicken broth.

Earlier in the day I had chopped up a leek and I let it sit in water so that the dirt in the leek would leech out. As my potatoes boiled I put the chopped leek in a big stock pot along with two table spoons of cracked black pepper, some thyme, three table spoons of a yogurt based butter substitute, three chopped cloves of garlic, and a third of a cup of white wine.

As the leek and potatoes cooked in separate pans I finely chopped up half a head of savoy cabbage. Then I tossed it in the stock pot with the leek. After my potatoes got fork tender I poured half of them along with some broth in the food processor and I pulsed all that until it was a grainy liquid. I then poured that in with the leek and cabbage. Next I added the rest of the potatoes and about two more cups water.

I let it all simmer for about 30 to 45 minutes.
As my Colcannon simmered I made my hummus.
I started by heating up a can of chick peas to which I added some chopped garlic, a table spoon of black pepper, and the juice and zest of one half of a lemon. When all that had cooked for a few minutes I put it in the food processor and I pulsed the living hell out of it until it was reasonably smooth.
Next I added 3/4 cup of tahini and a few good glugs of olive oil and I pulsed it some more.
That's what it looked like in the food processor.
And that's what it looked like in the serving bowl. After my soup had simmered enough I doled out two bowls full and I heated up some flat bread. Then I served it all up with a side of cherry tomatoes.
Let's eat!
Another lovely cooking post.
And I really like your 'glug' unit of measurement for olive oil.
of chef of the future
can you core a apple
(that episode was on during New Years marathon of Honeymooners)
Yikes, there's hummus amoung us! It gives me major gas, but I love it so much. One day, I'll get a food processor and try it out.
Mmmmm. Very inviting meal on a cold winter's night.
I don't feel like cooking tonight and that sure does look good.
I wonder if anyone has take-out potato & cabbage soup around here? Hmmm...
Dr. Monkerstein -
That soup is a classic of French cuisine - but a nice touch adding the cabbage.
Tonight at Tengrain's Little Hut we are having homemade chili in honor of the first major rainstorm of winter. It's cold here, too.
Once, I made something I simply must repeat. It was yummy and healthy. I soaked and sprouted garbanzos and made hummus out of them. It was yummy and raw.
The cabbage is a nice touch. I must try it.
GKL- Soaking beans thoroughly overnight or all day and changing the water before cooking can make all the difference on the gassiness thing.
Looks good!
Splotchy-I stole that unit of measurement from the naked chef, Jamie Oliver.
Dcap-I don't watch the Honeymooners because Jackie Gleason always scared the hell out of me when I was little.
GKL-The thought of you farting on the ice makes me laugh.
Kirby-I'll invite you over if you're ever over this way.
Whiskey-I'll deliver but you better tip me good.
Tengrain-Chili tonight, gas tomorrow.
Freida-I tried the soaking thing and it never works for me.
Dr. Z-I saved you two bowls worth.
Oh, yum. Yum. Yum. I'm in a soup kinda mood.
I'll have a bowl, minus the chicken stock! Thanks for yet another great cooking post.
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