We watched a great little gem of a documentary on Sundance tonight called The Refug

They focused on some islanders in the Maldives who are losing their homes due to rising sea levels, some Canadians in Alberta who are losing their homes due to oil companies drilling, and on some Brazilians who lost their homes and farms because a paper company wanted to build a eucalyptus on their land.

Looks nice huh? All those trees. Well guess what? These eucalyptus trees suck the ground dry and the people who live near them are forbidden to cut them. The corporate pigs use literally tons of pesticides to kill bugs that might harm their trees. And the company that grows these trees forced thousands of farmers off their farms so they could grow more of these trees. You know what they make out of these trees? Pulp for paper. And 95% of that pulp is for the North American and European markets. The paper they print their obscene yearly reports on, the paper they use for their advertising, the paper that they want us to buy, is made from the trees that are breaking the backs of many of our Brazilian American brothers and sisters.

You know what? These were the same pigs who said that ending child labor was a bad idea, that labor unions were a bad idea, that the 40 hour week was a bad idea, that putting people before profits was a bad idea.
You remember the things they thought were good ideas? They thought that unlimited use of pesticides that ruin our drinking water, World Wars 1 and 2, the Korean war, the Viet Nam war, the war on Iraq and Afghanistan were good ideas. They think that raping our planet is a good idea. They think that helping the Bush Junta silence all dissent is a good idea. They think that lying to us about what we actually need and want is a good idea. They think that fucking over anyone who does not live in North America or western Europe is a good idea. They think that not paying you a decent wage for your the labor that makes them rich is a good idea. They think that them not paying taxes is a good idea.
We say: stop the madness, stop the mindless consumption, stop falling for their lies, stop being their partner in raping the planet and in their abuse of others, and stop voting for the bastards who support their bullshit.
We can fight them, there are things we can do, all of us. We can and should: shop local, eat at locally owned restaurants, buy organic food when possible, buy locally grown food and support politicians who support a sustainable viable future.
We've listened to rich white pigs who do not have our best interests at heart for long enough. It's time we took our country, our market place, and our planet back. Let's stop acting like the pigs want us to and start taking care of the things that matter to us.
I never thought I had to feel guilty about using all them paper towels and stuff. Great Now I have too!
Excellent post! Reading it actually made me a little proud of myself! It's hard NOT to shop local here where I live, and the politicians are pretty down to Earth, and given our location, they know how important the environment is, and try to push that. While buying organic isn't exactly cheap, we do have a Trader Joe's (if that counts) and in the summer the place just explodes with farmers markets and the like. I think that the rest of the country, shares the same train of thought, now just getting up off our asses and doing something about it is what's gotta happen next. I've got faith. So far.
Glad you liked it AB. I hate to piss you off you know.
Great post!
We're trying. We're trying to make this the year of not buying things, raising the garden without pesticides. We've cut back on our meat consumption significantly and don't eat out much. We've given up paper plates and I could live without paper towels, I guess. But I'm like Samurai Frog - it won't be easy.
I'm looking for a job closer to home so I don't have to drive so much, we're grouping trips to town instead of going for one thing. I'm even conserving water by collecting water bottles (reused) left sitting around the house and dumping the left over water into a pitcher that I use to water plants.
Buying organic is really expensive for a family of five. I don't buy stuff with lots of packaging and we recycle every thing we can.
But I'm sure there's more we can do.
Thanks for the reminder that we don't have to be captives to corporate America on everything.
Good for you D Cup. Every little bit we can do to lessen the corporate grip on this nation is appreciated by me and many many others. Thanks for doing more than your share. I tip my fez to you.
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