Mr. Walliams is a bona fide celebrity. He makes million of dollars to make people laugh and to entertain them. So why did he not only swim the English channel, but also become one of the top 50 people to ever do it and the first celebrity to ever do it as well?
While Walliams was in Africa a few years back he told someone who works for a charity organization called Sport Relief that he'd love to help them out in their charitable efforts among orphanages over in Ethiopia. This person asked Walliams if there was some sporting thing he'd like to try that could raise money for them. Walliams suggested, half jokingly, that he could swim the English channel. The Sport relief person immediately took him up on his offer.
Fast forward a year to the start of Walliams highly successful but physically demanding Little Britain Live tour of the UK. Every night Walliams and his partner in comedy Matt Lucas would take to the stage and perform sketches from their highly successful BBC show and every morning Walliams would swim and train for his English Channel attempt. Even if the tour took a night off, his training did not.
After 9 months of hard training the big day arrived and Walliams plunged into the Channel near

Now if you think swimming 21 miles in rough seas while dodging jelly fish, people's turds, huge freighters, and whatever else is in the water that day is easy, I invite you to go to your local pool and swim for an hour straight. Then when that hour is over, do it 10 more hours while people throw shit at you, toss hornets at you, and drive wave runners over your body.
In the end Walliams raised over 1 million pounds for Sport Relief. That means that those Ethiopian orphanages can stay open and provide better care to the children who live there.
Walliams didn't have to swim the Channel. He could have written a check and stayed warm and dry. But he didn't. He used his fame for good and he got a lot of people to help as well. That's why he's Monkey Muck's Contemporary Hero of the Week.
And we end this post with a gratuitous butt shot for the ladies. Here's David's butt for you ladies to enjoy:

Well done, although after three seasons of Little Britain and seeing the DVD of the live show, I may have seen more of David Walliams's butt than I'll ever need to.
Why did I say "may have"?
I too have seen his ass more than I probably should have. But what the heck, all that ass viewing has not hurt me yet.
Is that vasaline he's covered in?
It's goose fat. Goose fat stays on the body longer than vaseline.
Funny and good hearted.
I just picture him saying "swim the English Channel? Ah. Computer says 'no'."
Or he gets out whips off that bathing cap and we see a barette in his hair and he says, "Eh, eh, eh."
Goose fat not only stays on the body longer than vaseline for those long swims, but it also comes in handy as a mid-English Channel snack.
Mmmmmm, goose fat. Must eat goose fat.
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