Sunday, February 1, 2009



Excuse me I need to catch my breath because I'm laughing really hard. And loudly as well. Hahahahahahaha.

What's that? What's so funny? Well, it seems that all the ad revenue is drying up for the right wing group called Pajamas Media.

And they are blaming it on the left! Hahahahahahahaha. Seriously hahahahahahahahahahaha. And they also claim that the left wing blogs, like mine, stay afloat because of the largess of George Soros and Hahahahahahahahaha, how funny and paranoid is that? I don't take ads because I don't blog to make money, I blog because I like to write and to make people think and laugh. I never met George Soros and I certainly never took a dime from him. Even though they do some good things, annoys the shit out of me and I don't take any orders from them. I'm an ad free totally independent blogger with ad free totally independent content.

The reason the ad revenue on the right wing blogs sponsored by Pajamas Media is dropping so much is because no one wants to read right wing blogs anymore. The right has failed to keep pace on the net, just as they failed in their efforts to impose their twisted brand of rule on the USA. There will never ever be a permanent Republican majority in Congress or on the net. People have seen through the lies of the right and Pajamas Media is failing because conservatism has failed. Rush and the boobs at FOX Noise can scream all they like but America has moved on.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

Two things that are totally unrelated:

1. There are "right wing bloggers"? To hear the likes of Ann Coulter, et al tell it, bloggers are the lowest of the low. We are the scum of the earth. And we're ALL liberal. Why would the Right Wing want to get in on our game if it's so heinous?

2. George Soros is giving out money? I don't take ads either and I don't blog to make money. Like you, I blog because I love to write and hopefully make people laugh once in awhile, but if he's passing out money like it's Halloween candy, he can send some my way anytime. I won't write what he tells me to unless I want to, but I'll take his money.

Fran said...

The pajamas need to be replaced and these will go OUT.

I am not sorry to hear this.

Karen Zipdrive said...

I don't read right-wing blogs.
1. Don't want to up their hit count.
2. Why be a troll when they have that all sewn up?

As for blogging for money, look no further than John Aravosis, who used to have a great blog before he started running ads and begging for money and ruined it.
I mean, how hard is it to steal from Daily Kos and Huff Po?

Gifted Typist said...

I've dreamed of this day and finally it's arrive. Thank God.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Wait a minute, I can put ads on my blog?

Madam Z said...

"America has moved on." Holy pjs, I hope so, but we mustn't get complacent.