This is my entry in
the Halloween costume pagent sponsored by Beth, Bubs, and Dale:

The year was 1984 and I'm the incredible ass on the left. I thought it would be funny if I went to the big Halloween dance in college dressed up as a lawn jockey. It wasn't funny, it was racist and I should have had my ass kicked for doing it. Yeah, I was an ass back then. I'm not much better today but at least I don't dress up in racist Halloween costumes any more. Yikes.
You have come around.
I am proud of you for being earnest about your past mistakes, that is very refreshing during this election season.
Al Franken takes a beating from the press here about things he wrote or performed on SNL in the 80s. He is honest and apologetic for his missteps too.
I did weird, quasi-racist shit like that, too. I can relate. You've more than redeemed yourself. Those of us who growed up in middle/south/small town 'murka just needed a bit of worldliness to cure us.
At least we were curable :)
And I'm sure both of us never hated anyone or meant harm. We just didn't know better 'til we got older is all. You are so honest. Thanks for that.
Yeah, but who is the guy on the right who TOTALLY NAILED a costume of the buttwipe Air Force douche, I mean, dude hitting on the nurse in the movie War Games while Matthew Broderick's character is disarming the electronic door with some roach clips, wire and a tape recorder? (Watch the movie the next time it's on and you'll agree.)
I'm proud of you for taking responsibility for your actions.
I shouldn't have ... but I did. Laugh, that is.
I unintentionally Halloween'ed one year as a lawn jockey. I was supposed to be my photo-negative ... but it lost something in the execution.
Is the fact that the photo is in black and white yet another racist move? :-) Excellent entry.
You look like Al Jolson as Frankenstein. Also, is that Joanie Cunninghams cute sister?
Is that woman in the middle giving me the finger?
I've been there too (as Diana Ross in 5th grade), so I commend your confessional post.
Hey, at least you're admitting you made a mistake. You're a bigger man than Ronald Reagan, who never apologized for having a lawn jockey on his lawn.
As a child, I often parroted the racist things I heard from my family and other friends. I didn't really even know what they meant. I had black friends but I never connected those "jokes" etc to them. It wasn't until college that I made the connection and, disgusted with myself, became conscious of race and racism as it applied to African-Americans. Up until then, I thought it was only hispanics who still had it tough. What an idiot I was.
Thanks for letting me into the confessional as well, Monkey.
"You look like Al Jolson as Frankenstein."
Too true, too true.
Is that lawn jockey wearing a "Members Only" jacket?
The Nazi salute you are giving is pretty scary too! Heck I guess if you are going to be politically incorrect, you might as well go all the way.
Racist costume? Yes, but you did a bang up job of it! I also thought Al Jolson at first.
Bubs-Yes! It was a Members Only jacket. That was the one and only time I ever wore one.
I am oft quoted as saying that I am not fully responsible for the person I was 7 years ago (that's the statute of limitations I impose on my jackassery). What I really mean to say is, we grow up, and become more wise, and more sensative every day....I suspect you have forgiven yourself, but I bet that picture is still majorly cringeworthy for you.
Had to look up lawn jockey. NEvr hear of em. I would have said garden gnome but perhaps they two aren't the same. Still funny entry
Monkey, are you sure it wasn't an ironic commentary on social groups?
Oh well, at least it wasn't as racist as the people who had them on their lawns. The lawn jockeys, that is.
Believe it or not, I've seen worse. A white woman in North Carolina I was interviewing for a news story proudly showed me her pictures of her dressed up as a "crack whore." Yes, it involved blackface. And a 'fro wig. I'm not kidding. So. Take heart. I've seen worse.
I suppose next you're going to post a picture of yourself dressed up as one of those offensive little kissing Dutchmen.
I hope you and her were going as an interracial couple at least and the other guy was your mixed race sailor baby.
LOL @ Freida Bee.
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