Count #4-GUILTY
Count #5-GUILTY
Count #6-GUILTY
Count #7-GUILTY

It's a bad day, month, year, whatever, to be an entrenched Washington DC Republican.
One wonders if he'll manage to win re-election to the US Senate, if he does then there is something seriously wrong with Alaskan voters, besides the whole electing Palin governor in the first place.
Why the sour puss, Ted?
Aw. It couldn't have happened to a bigger douche.
I think the question of whether there is something seriously wrong with Alaskan voters was resolved long ago.
definitely not a happy looking guy.
Ah man, now that means Sarah has been hanging around with a convicted felon!!!! Damn.
Ah man, now that means Sarah has been hanging around with a convicted felon!!!! Damn.
Not just seven kinds of "Guilty," but All Kinds of Guilty!
I think Sarah will just announce "isn't that nice that Ted wasn't found guilty and that he's not convicted of any wrongdoing."
Sarah just doesn't DO felony verdicts or scandals.
What an idiot. Way to plan your retirement, Teddy. I do wonder if he will still get elected. They might just want a Repug in there so they can switch him out later.
I don't even see how the guy can stay on the ballot! They don't let convicted felons vote in most (all?) states, so why would they let a convicted felon run for office?
Now he can slide down the internet tubes into oblivion.
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