"I'm so happy over his conviction that I'm going to smoke some of that newfangled Mary Jane that the kids and those hippies talk so much about in my new pipe."


"No matter how much I try, I can't get clean. It's been like this ever since Bush and Ted Stevens took us into that immoral war in Iraq back in 2003. I think I must feel the blood of all those innocent people we've murdered for no good reason on me all the time."

"Ted Stevens is innocent! It's all a plot by the justice loving donkey doo doo heads in government. Don't worry Ted, I've got a box inside my hairdo that contains a hack saw blade and I'll bust you out of what ever prison they put you in."
I like the guy gonna smoke some dubes. Ted Stevens is a crook, and that's that. Does he need a dog named Checkers?
I for one heartily agree with "Mooo"
Ten minutes after that picture was taken, the guy in photo # 2 lost the tie for a scarf, grew his sideburns down to his jawline, and went to his first key party.
In picture #3, is that brooch pinned directly onto her skin?
I'm shocked and awed!
: ]
My heart is a twitter!
Where did you get that drawing?! It's the best!
I agree with helenwheels. The cow's analysis is so much more insightful than most pundits these days.
Kristi-I got it out of a 1950's beauty book I fished out of the trash at a local used book store. It's full of illustrations like that. Expect more to come later.
I'm with Tub Gal. Our whole country's been sullied by those criminals. But we'll keep scrubbin'!
Now the big question, will the biggest boobs in the union vote him back into office? I haven't been paying attention to the poll numbers up there. Anyone?
ubermilf- I think that's her throwing star to fight off the prison guards.
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