Conservative Republicans immediately denounced this latest scientific advancement calling it "another lame attempt by the Obama campaign to help people." They then scratched their asses, grimaced, and walked away clutching a check from the powerful hemorrhoid lobby.
Who cares. Until it can be delivered to my home in a plain brown wrapper it does me no good.
McPain in the ass
Obviously playing the race card.
Haw Haw!
Republicans ARE the hemorrhoids on the ass of america.
Now wait a minute--am I the only one who noticed that he tagged this hemorrhoidal post with "Archie Panjabi Nude"? What gives, Monkey? Where's the money shot?
Delia-I do that from time to time to torture people who think that there are nude pics of my adopted actor.
Whoops! Read this at the office and gave off a huge guffaw before I could stop myself. Oh well.
And stop toying with Delia!
hahaa.... good chuckle of the day.
I don't know what you're talking about - all my problems are behind me.
Then they claimed their fingers don't stink-liars!
Can you find one of those old pin worm ads they used to run in Parade Magazine?
BTW, my mom used to call people she didn't like "hemorrhoids". She said that "assholes" serve a valuable function, but hemorrhoids don't do anybody any good.
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