They are also the ones who said that it would be a good idea to cut rich people's taxes during a war we started so we could control the world's oil supply.
And they also are the ones who said we need to let the free market decide things but who are the first in line to have their hands out for some corporate welfare.
They also said that we can't have universal health care because it will be too expensive. And yet we found plenty of money to keep an illegal immoral war going day after day after day.
Speaking as one who was in the tire and automotive aftermarket business for many years, it is indeed true that you will save gas if your tires are properly inflated and if your car is tuned up and no amount of political theatre and Karl Rovian stunts can detract from that truth. Unless you live inside the bubble of Washington DC where people are regularly divorced from reality.
I nearly flipped my wighat when I found out (by listening to public radio news) that Exxon had it's biggest profit EVER this year. 5 billion+ or something. And they're "earning" all this profit by charging us $5/gallon, but everybody ELSE is going broke buying gas.
It's official. In my next life, I will come back as a wealthy, greedy, Republican trophy wife.
It is really frustrating because it's just crazy shiat they're babbling.
The media should be pointing a finger at anyone who talks about this air pressure crap and laughing.
Instead they dutifully report it.
Oh, and did you hear him egging on his crowd of rednecks and Matlock watchers, shouting stuff about "we're gonna drill here, and we're gonna drill there" blah blah blah -- fucking idiots. And of cousre Mr. Smart Marketing Guy who works for him passed out tire gauges to everyone. They should've shoved them up their asses.
I'm having one of those moments of despair. How many low info voters are sitting around watching Fox News right now, getting nothing but bad info and calling it gospel?
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