Friday, August 29, 2008

Nice job old man

It's on.

Bush McCain has made his pick. It's, as I'm sure you all know by now, Sarah Palin. She's the scandal plagued Gov. of Alaska who denies that man is causing the current climate crisis and has never visited our troops in Iraq. She's a tool of big oil who wants to drill in ANWAR and she hates Hillary. The right wing corporate media loves her and she's got the full support of indicted Senator Ted Stevens who has worked closely with her for over a decade.

The only thing that would make all of this any better is if Dick Cheney says that she has his full endorsement.

I'll be interested to see what the Republican clergy have to say about this choice. I wonder if Dobson, Warren, and Robertson will tell her that she has to defer to the man on the ticket because it says women must defer to men in their bible.

It's an interesting pick to be sure but it's not quite the historic pick they are making it out to be. For one thing Walter Mondale, a Democrat, was the first nominee of a major party to pick a woman as his veep.

By picking Palin he's undercut any and all experience issues he has tried to make, Palin is a governor of a state with a tiny population and she has no experience on the national stage. Sen. Obama has been a US Senator for four years and he was elected in a state that has a huge population, and he has ties to Hawaii and Kansas. The choice of Biden showed that Obama has the wisdom to pick a man who has impeccable foreign policy credentials, heck even Bush consulted with him after 9/11 and if Bush had listened to his warning about terrorists using planes as weapons before 9/11 then we probably could have avoided the whole thing. On the other hand no one has consulted with Sarah Palin on any national security issue. And it's pretty telling that Ms. Palin praised Obama's energy policy on her website.

And finally, when they stand side by side Obama and Biden look Presidential, they look like leaders. Bush McCain just looks like a dirty old man next to his much younger veep choice. I hope she and Cindy Bush McCain will get along and maybe in a lull in the campaign they'll exchange recipes or swap stories about how they both did drugs.


Anonymous said...

I'd say he's just looking to trade up, now that Cindy's showing wear and tear, but McCain knows on which side his bread is buttered. Hell, he knows who paid for the loaf and the whole fucking bakery it came from.

Fran said...

So she loves guns, hates gays, disdains choice and wants to teach creationism... what is your point?

(can you believe it???)

Wandering Coyote said...

I saw her speech this morning. She seems like a feminist's nightmare.

Micgar said...

I was listening to Hannity (i know-its sickening but I wanted to hear the spin on this!)and he and Gingrich were like "and she's a National Guard Commander so, like she's got more military exp. than Obama ever had! Yeah!" It was pathetic. Trying to build this gal's resume up like she's some kind of world leader! They just kept egging eachother on with this buildup!

beatgrl said...

I know I would be happy if I were a journalist/news commentator because now there is something NEW to write about! This is much more interesting than if he had picked Romney, for example.

Mnmom said...

She looks like Artie Buco's wife on the Sopranos. I can't take her seriously with all that hair. I'm so insulted that the GOP thinks this will appeal to women voters and former Hillary supporters. Hillary could bitch slap that women into the next century with her knowledge and experience alone.

Madam Z said...

Geez Loueez! I listened to her speech and was blown away! She was so dynamic! My immediate reaction was that McCan't had made brilliant choice. Her relative youth, beauty, energy and articulate speech were a good supplement to Mc's lack of all those features. Okay, okay, so she's inexperienced. That could be a good thing! I'm not saying that *I* would vote for them, but I was afraid that a lot of disaffected Hillary supporters would swoop over to the dark side.

But now that I've been reading all the negative commentary, I've settled down. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

D. Debil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dean Wormer said...

It's an interesting pick to be sure but it's not quite the historic pick they are making it out to be. For one thing Walter Mondale, a Democrat, was the first nominee of a major party to pick a woman as his veep.

Exactly. The pubs are at least 20 years behind the democrats in this issue.

Also- she has a voice like Betty Boop.

austin said...

John McCain thinks women are stupid.

Jess Wundrun said...

I wonder whether he'll call her a trollop or a cunt?

Pilkey said...

I think the old geezer just "mavericked" himself out of the presidency. The media should take note that there is a difference between being a maverick and being an idiot. There are many women who are ready for the White House, but this particular woman is not.

Angry Ballerina said...

She must swallow or something.