Tuesday, July 22, 2008

While there's a break in the action...

...let's get a ruling on Bush McCain's latest gaffes. The election year ref says:

One gaffe too many. Repeatedly referring to a country that has not existed for years, Czechoslovakia, as if it still did was bad enough but now claiming that Iraq and Pakistan share a border just makes Bush McCain even more confused, doddering, and old. Sure, they'll say he just misspoke or he was tired or something, but the fact remains that after the damage Bush the Idiot has done to our nation in the past 7 years, the next President has to be on his toes all the time and he can't afford to misspeak Old McOldson did.

You want cheap gas? Then pull my finger. Only the last 19% of the people who support Bush the Idiot and the mouth breathing racist morons who live in Kentucky and West Virginia are falling for the line of bull spew that Obama is responsible for high gas prices. It's McInsane's greedy pals in the oil and gas business who are responsible for those high prices.Don't even think about engaging in premature gay bashing to pump up your base. We all know the Republicans are going to pull out the big gun of demonizing teh gays because they can't make any head way on their other attacks on Obama. Look for a call by Bush McSame to get the ball rolling on a Constitutional amendment that bans two dudes from kissing and making love. Lipstick lesbians will be exempt from this amendment because watching two beautiful women kiss is one of the few things that gets Bush McAngry's old boner working again.

We've had it up to here with your "regular guy who's a real maverick" bullshit. When you flip flop to now support all the things you used to speak out against, the crazy TV preachers, the Bush the Idiot's tax cuts, etc, you can't call your self a maverick anymore. You're not a maverick, you're a sad old man who will do and say anything he can to be elected.

Someone slap some sense into your delusional campaign surrogates. Carly Fiorina claims that it's Obama and not Bush McDoddering who will be carrying out Bush's third term. She must have forgotten that her man voted with Bush the Idiot more than anyone else in Congress in the past 2 years and that he's on videotape saying that he and Bush agree on all the transcendent issues of the day. This from a woman who's biggest accomplishment was almost ruining a great American company, Hewlett Packard, who's brand of printer I use and who also made my digital camera. And then Phil Gramm, who works for USB a foreign owned bank, who lobbies for more banking deregulation, and who helped get us into the mortgage mess we have now due to the deregulation he helped pass in the past, calls Americans "whiners." If you're known by the company you keep then Bush McGeezer has a lot of gall asking to be our next President. He's a doddering confused old man.

His penalty for all these flagrant fouls should be he has to concede the race to Sen. Obama now so that we can start serious impeachment proceedings against the Bush/Cheney crime syndicate. But that's not going to happen so we'll have to settle for seeing him get routed in a landslide come November.


Karen said...

That first ref has 2 hands and totally creeps me out. Is that a thinly veiled reference to McCain being two-faced?

pissed off patricia said...

It should be a landslide for Obama, but with this bunch of crooks and criminals in the white house, I'm scared stiff that something could happen.

I guess Bill Clinton took a breath of relief now that everything wrong is being blamed on Obama instead of him. The torch has been passed.

McCain is trying like hell to get the spotlight back on himself. Nothing like appearing with George bush Sr. to make the public feel he's vibrant. NOT!

Blueberry said...

There are so many gaffes it's hard to keep up. I just learned about the "President Putin of Germany" one, and the Sudan/Somalia mixup.

Well now, do the names of countries and their leaders really matter? He can just take along an elementary schoolteacher and he/she can hold up flash cards or even do voiceovers. An interpretor for McCain's imaginary planet to explain what he meant to say.

Mnmom said...

They are trying to blame high gas prices on Obama? How?? I just can't believe how people swallow all their bullshit.

I want a Pres who at least knows how to USE the internet.

Ed said...

What's the penalty for Unnecessary Stupidity?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

ed-Two years in the box or two years before the mast.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Captain Karen-Ah I see you never read comic books when you were a young gal. The first drawing is denoting motion, the guy doesn't have two arms.

Johnny Yen said...

Hey, referring to countries that don't exist anymore is an old Republican tradition; Reagan used to refer to "Siam" all the time (it's been "Thailand" for decades.)

Elizabeth said...

What really scares me about McCain is not even that he's completely incompetent in every way, which he is; it's his constituents. How many excuses can they make for him? How many times can they turn a blind eye to his failings?

Don't answer that.

dguzman said...

What enc said. I'm baffled by the media's almost complete blindness to his mistakes, lack of knowledge and qualifications, and ignorance. McFossil must have a blast knowing that he can say or do effing anything and still the media will slobber lovingly all over his ass.

(It reminds me of Bush's arrogant remarks like "Bring 'em on" or "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter.")

Soon, McFossil will just start babbling inanely whenever he's in the spotlight. No one will see the difference.

Madam Z said...

I was listening to Rush Limbarf yesterday. He spent the entire broadcast lambasting Obama, but I didn't hear one word supporting McCodger.