Monday, July 21, 2008

What this country needs is a good $9.95 men's suit

The selling and buying of cheap suits will save our faltering economy.

And when every guy in America has one we'll all look like extras on Mad Men.


Mnmom said...

Or like the agents in my favorite "Men in Black".

Pawnbrokers Unclaimed Pledges - kinda makes you want to run right down there and get one, doesn't it??

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I love the 10-Day Free Trial. Most stores have nice return policies now, but no one says "wear our clothes and if you don't like them, return them for your money back" which is how I read "10-Day Free Trial."

Blueberry said...

They have "Well Dressed" in quotes. hmmm.

Does the pocket handkerchief come from the pawn shop too? And is he holding a handbag... I mean "man-purse"? Can of paint, maybe? Can't make it out.

Joe said...

I'm dressed like that right now. For only marginally more than $9.95

Anonymous said...

Well, now, in them days $9.95 was a week's pay. I'm a mite more concerned about buying a suit via a coupon from the back of a magazine.

FRITZ said...

"What's up" with "well dressed"?

It might as well say "close, but not entirely accurate".

Elizabeth said...

Yech, slightly used! I wonder if they fumigate them before they sell them?

BeckEye said...

They're made out of sharkskins??!?!
(Yeah, I really had to squint to make that out.)

dguzman said...
