"I know, I heard that too."
"Only you and I are ready to be President on day one."
"Obama will only be ready to deliver a speech on day one."
"Yep. Or maybe bowl a bit."
"Hahahahaha, hahahaha."
"Want to hear another good one?"
"Even after serving on the board of directors of Wal Mart for years, even after caving in to the special interests and big pharma on my health care plan, even after voting for the war, even after being named by Forbes magazine as the candidate most supported by big multi national corporations, I'm still running as a Democrat."
"You go girl. Keep on running and keep up that slash and burn/win at any cost campaign style. It really suits you and that husband of yours."
"You know, if by some miracle we don't get to subvert the will of the majority of the Democratic Party voters and I lose this nomination..."
"Perish the thought!"
"Tell me about it, but anyway, if I do lose this thing somehow, maybe I could be your Veep. We could run on a national unity party ticket. Kind of like the one you would have had if you and Kerry would have run together."
"That might not be a bad idea. After all, you and I agree on more than we disagree on."
"Yep. We see eye to eye on more things with each other than we do with that elitist Obama. After all we've been in the halls of power longer than him and everybody knows black folks are some serious elitists."
"Yep. That's why they stick together so much. All those elitists stay with their own kind."
"Oh well, I gotta run. There's some corporate money I have to find and some hope I have to go crush."
"Yes you can crush that hope and take that cash!"
"Hahahaha, yes I can!"
Thanks for the excellent laugh this morning. In my opinion, Obama is not an elitist and out of touch. If Hillary had any clue as to what the voters wanted, she'd have dropped out of this race by now. Oh, and as far as bitterness goes . . . I for one was a heck of a lot better off 8 years ago than I am now and I AM somewhat bitter about it. W has done nothing but sink me (and you and our great-grandkids) into debt over this war, while giving his Halliburton buddies huge tax breaks. Yes, the rich got richer in the W world and everyone else just got screwed.
I'm thinking that she somehow thinks that McCain would take her as a running mate - then he would die because he's old and sick or she'll have him whacked, then she'd get her wish to be President.
She's just that delusional (about being his Veep I mean).
I will never understand the human brain. That's why I like monkeys so much. They think like I do. So, if Hillary's latest desperate, stoooopid shot does not succeed in dislodging Obama, will you, Dr. Monkey, consider being his running mate? But only, of course, if you promise to continue posting on your monkeylicious blog.
The mind reels to consider a political landscape in which a Hilary Clinton or John McCain could accuse anyone of being elitist.
Great post. When I first saw the picture at the top of it, I figured you were going to go for the easy John McCain using the "c word" joke.
"Oh well, I gotta run. There's some corporate money I have to find and some hope I have to go crush...
...Not to mention some NRA members I have to go and pander to."
Well, Obama is certainly no more a man of the people than any other of the Presidential candidates or front runners.
I'm still waiting for some non-Ivy league or non millionaire nominees from either party.
Any rich politician who uses the phrase "out of touch" is usually seriously out of touch. I HATE that phrase.
Are the Halls of Power anything like the Halls of Medicine?
Sheesh. Clinton really stepped in it this time. Can't get any more Republican with your framing than another democrat is "elitist."
Somebody pull the plug on this thing, please.
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