It's basic stripped down good time rock and roll. The songs are fun and raw sounding. This is the kind of music you used to hear on FM radio before FM radio started to cater to rich white men who love the same fifteen classic rock songs and who demand that they get to hear them played over and over every hour of every day. This CD reminds me of why corporate FM sucks moldy hairy sweaty stray dog ass.
It's not a long CD, in fact it if this had been released back in the day when albums ruled we would have called it an EP. But part of it's charm is that it is a short CD. If it were any longer then it would wear out it's welcome and begin to annoy you, kind of like how I do when you invite me over to your house.
If you like rootsy gut bustin' rock then the Lifters are right up your alley. I quite liked them and their sound.
The Lifters sound like perfect weekend music. What's their story?
Thanks for the recommendation, I am always looking to expand my musical horizons1
Barb-Their story is one of pluck and grittiness and hard working guys who made good.
Westcoast-You are most welcome my man.
Monkey-thanks for the rec. The Lifters sound like a group I could really get into!
Gonna look them up!
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