Bush McCain reminded everyone of the time when he didn't have health care, and that was when he was being held in a North Vietnamese POW camp. So we're supposed to feel sorry for Bush McCain now and forgive him the fact that for all those other years he's had what millions of Americans don't have? The fact that he spent a few years in the Hanoi Hilton excuses him from sucking at the government insurance teat all these other years?
Ummm, as the kids today say Senator, hell to the no. The fact is Bush McCain, just like his buddy Dick "So" Cheney, has not only government sponsored health insurance, he's got the best of the best that our government offers. Millions of Americans have a form of "socialized" health care, and I'm one of them, and it's called Medicare. Others have Medicaid. But the cream of the crop, the asses in Washington DC and the people who work for them, get the best of the best insurance, they pay virtually nothing for their insurance because they are doing "the people's business." I pay around $100 a month in Medicare premiums and that's deducted from my monthly SSDI, McCain makes far more than I make on SSDI, I'd be willing to bet he makes a month about a few thousand times what I make, and yet he pays less for his health insurance than I do. And he gets better coverage as well.
But then there's the millions of men, women, and children in this country who have no health insurance whatsoever, just like Bush McCain in his Vietnam days. Is it a cheap shot at those people if we ask why they don't have government paid health insurance? If we lock them up in the Hanoi Hilton and then we let them out is it okay if they have what Bush McCain has? Can the rest of us folks on Medicare and Medicaid go do some time in a POW camp in the Vietnamese jungle so we can get the same level of medical insurance that Bush McCain has?
Asking why we all can't have the same level of government paid health care that Bush McCain and Dick Cheney has isn't a cheap shot, it's only fair. We're supposed to be all about fairness and equality here in the USA and it's about time that we all got the fair and equal government paid health care that people like Bush McCain get. And if they're worried about how the government is going to pay for it, well, they can start by taxing his wife Cindy's 100 million dollar fortune. And then when they get that one taxed, tax the Cheney's, then all the Bushes, and then tax every multinational corporation until we all have the same health insurance that Bush McCain does now. And if they don't then they're taking a cheap shot at each and every US citizen.
It is an outrage and a disgrace.
You know, as someone who did spend those years as a POW you would think he might have one fraking ounce of humility.
Well living without health insurance is a lifetime POW situation for millions of Americans.
This is why I can't stand this bullshit anymore.
Instead of responding thoughtfully to a valid question, he attacks the questioner and never answers.
This is why I've stopped paying attention; lying makes me more upset than a painful truth.
If he had said, "I'm a greedy bastard, and I'm running to represent all the greedy bastards out there," I'd have more respect for him.
Isn't that the game plan that's worked well for the GOP for the last 8 years: Ignore the question and attack the questioner? McCain is just showing he's perfected the Standard Operating Procedure of Rove, Cheney, W, et al.
Kind of makes you wonder what else he will deplect with the "I was a POW so you can't make me" platform, eh?
I say we don't vote him into office so we never find out for sure! Try it! It'll be FUN!
We ARE all about fairness and equality; the not-so-secret-secret is the Republicans are not about fairness and equality. The Ayn Randian subtext to the whole thing is they want theirs, and intend to keep it. You can't have any.
And, yes, the standing answer for any criticism will henceforth be; 'I was a POW'. Ironically this is supposed to be his get out of jail and into the white house card.
Legitimate question = cheap shot. What are we supposed to ask you about? What it was like being able to ride the trolley for a penny?
A cheap shot would be pointing out that he's so old he looks like he's decaying before our very eyes, and we don't want to elect because old=out of touch. But I don't take cheap shots, so someone else will have to do it.
These guys have no ability at empathy. None.
it's about time that we all got the fair and equal government paid health care that people like Bush McCain get.
Yes, but (devils advocate coming out) the federal goverment is John McSame's employer. And isn't the government saying that they can't afford to insure everyone, that employers should be responsible?
If course they are not requiring employers to provide insurance, like Hawaii does.
Speaking of employer provided insurance, my dad is a petroleum geologist for the company that made the biggest profit ever a couple years back. Shockingly, he still has to pay $600/month (!!!!!) for insurance. Of course, he also made a bonus of 40% of his salary last year. How's that for a republican wet dream? Moving on.
Some of us already do get great affordable health care, because we are poor and live in a state that takes care of people. I am lucky enough to pay only $60 a month for my family and the state of Washington subsidizes the rest. The federal government is my employer, too, but they have been laying me off and rehiring me to a 6 month temporary appointment each year so that keeps my income low (and denies me benefits). And my husband is self employed. Enough said.
So, I'm poor enough and my dad is rich enough to get health care. EVERYONE ELSE deserves it, too. And that's what I'd like to see our taxes paying for.
What an asshole.
Is that why McCain's reaching for Bush's wallet in that photo?
These hypocrits should no longer get away with their deceitful comments.
We do not have the best heathcare by some objective measurements including:
1 About 47 million do not even have insurance
2 We have the most expensive health care in the world
3 Our infant mortality ranks about 37th
4. Most of western Europe and most of the industrialized world has populations with greater longevity than we do.
Like Obama has stated - I AM BITTER
and I am angry.
These Republicans cannot be allowed to get away with their lying comments any longer.
Telling it like it is. McCain is such a wipe.
Did you see the WaPo article on McCain's temper. It's not that he blows up, it's that he gets all vengeful against people who question it. Read it, if you haven't already. I think you'd find it interesting.
I agree with Paul - the Neo Cons are all about pulling up the ladder behind them and leaving the rest of us to wallow in poverty. Health Care and ending the F*****G war are my #1 issues this election.
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