So mulletheads, why do you love Huckabee so much?

"I like how he hates gays and loves the baby Jesus."

"His angry faux populist message resonates with me and my half mullet."

"That dude can play a mean bass guitar."

"I love how he wants women to stay in their Biblical place, subservient to men."

'I like how he used to be fat. I dig fat dudes."

"I'm a dead cooked fish. Eat me."
He is as good as his last name.
I am not surprised Joe Dirt is for Hucklebee.
I think you've found the common denominator! It's all in the mullet. Who knew?
Stop insulting the other religious nut jobs. Since the world must be flat, can I just push Huck off the side?? Please???
EEEW! Liveblogging comment moment.I am watching the end of the debate and the closing shots were of the candidates chit chatting.
Huck leaned into Edwards as if to whisper but I felt full on lip lock tongue lashing kiss coming.
I hope Huckabee wins the GOP nomination. Oh yeah.
Around the Compound, when the kids aren't in earshot, I refer to him as "Fuckabee"
Um, I see the fish, but no loaf. Dr. Monkey, if I didn't know any better, I'd think that you hated Fundie Jesus.
Calling Dr. Zauis!!! Can we see Huckabee in a mullet?
that fish was caught because it didnt vote for huckabee in Iowa. just like the dead pheasants
Too funny, but kind of scarey. Even if Huckabee loses, all of his supporters will be out there with their guns and their mullets.
Attack of the mullets! That 2nd one is really bad! Crayons is probably right-if he loses the nom., his Hucksters will be waiting...watching...with wild eyes and and extra ammo in them thar britches!
That she-mullet is something else, but I can't help but think that that first mullet would be a pretty handsome kid if he shaved off the party in back. Poor dumb bastard.
Evil D-You're right.
Mathman-Joe Dirt, ha ha! Good one.
Barb-The magic eight ball knew.
Fran-I can't eatch those Republicans debate, they lie so much.
Bubs-Put a dollar in the swear jar every time you say that. :)
Randal-It's not quite hate that I have for him, it's more like disatsteful pity.
Freida-Eww. That image may scar people.
Dcap-I'm not sure if they have mullet in Iowa.
Crayons-They are the only ones with guns.
Micgar-That's not th eonly thing they'll have in their britches.
Kirby-Yeah, that's one "fine" she mullet.
Holy shit, Monkey, these people are scary.
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