Is it because you have that haircut?
Nah, and I like this haircut by the way.
Sorry. Is it because you have lots of holiday gifts to buy and little money to buy them with?
What's bothering you then?
The President of this country is an idiot who almost took us to war with Iran over a nuclear program they didn't have and he knew they didn't have it the whole time he was saying that crazy bull jive stuff and I think he should be impeached. But since Jesus didn't say nothin' about impeachment in the Bible, the poopy pants peons in Washington DC won't do anything to get rid of Bush. That's why I'm bummed out. Oh yeah, I'm also bummed out because my mom and dad work three jobs each to keep a roof over our heads and they pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes then the rich people and the corporations do. Oh yeah, and the fact that the politicians and racists and media pundits insist on persecuting the brown people who come to this country to work while they also demonize the poor has me pretty steamed too. And don't get me started on my boobs not growing any faster.
Ok then. (Sheesh, I'm sorry I asked.)
I heard that.
Stop it, already! As if I wasn't depressed enough!
But, seriously, keep it up. It's important to remind people what this administration is doing to us. You're doing good work.
By the way, I met Jess Wundrun and her family for the first time tonight at one of Sparkly Seacow's performances. That was cool. It wasn't the best environment for deep conversation, but maybe next time. Maybe some day I'll meet you in real life, too. That would also be cool.
wow i thought she was sad because the pedophile code was leaked on the internet
I know just how she feels. Except for the boobs part.
Well I know how she feels, boobs and all. Although at my age, gravity rather than growth is the issue.
Damn gravity. Why did I have to buy into that whole "science" thing?
And frankly- who ever thought in their wildest dreams, wildest nightmares I should say, that the freaking Bible would be the "guiding document" of Washington, D.C.
It kind of makes me long for the days of DC being remembered for former mayor Marion Barry's obscenity laced rant to the cops when he got caught in the hotel room with the crack ho.
Oh the good old days.
The Crack Hitler!
But just wait until President Huckabee, The Nicest Guy On The Planet®, institutes the Fair Tax! Then everything will be fair just the prices at a county fair, which is where the actual event got its name!
Sorry for the stream-of-consciousness rambling, I've started taking crack to cope with depressing, yet informative, posts.
I like her haircut too. And on some level I am in denial of the state of GWB, but I think the energy I use maintaining that denial is really sucking the life out of me.
Ask a simple question...
Kids say the darndest things.
Can you believe Plagiarizin' Joe Biden, saying, "Yeah, and if he attacks Iran, we'll REALLY impeach him!"? Two months later ... "OK, so he attacked Iran, but if he hurts that kitten, THEN we'll impeach him!"
And what the hell is with Ellen Degeneres (or however the f. you spell her name) fawning over Jenna. Barf, barf, barf. I think that all THINKING people have to shun these Bushies. "What, Jenna ... you wrote a book? WE DON'T CARE!"
Sorry, I'm feeling just a little hostile right now.
She sounds like a very smart girl! Even if she has a funny-lookin' haircut!
Ed-Cheer up, it could be worse for you. You cold be stuck in Iraq with no hope of ever getting out.
Romius-That would make me sad too.
Bubs-Maybe feeling some boobs will make you feel better.
Fran-You're right. That crack head Marion Berry may have been a tad wild but at least he wasn't an evangelical zombie.
Randal-Huckabee nice? It's an act. Just ask the families of the people who were affected by his release of that rapist/murderer.
Missy-Her haircut suits her but your denial of Bush does nothing for you.
Whiskey-That'll teach my monkey ass.
Dguz-Out of the mouths of babes.
Suzy-Go right ahead and vent dear, it'll do you good.
Micgar-If you knock her haircut she'll knock you man.
Ed-How jealous am I you got to meet one of my blog heroines? I've adored Jess since she started leaving comments on my blog, and that was before she even had a blog. Yeah, someday I hope to meet all you cool Wisconsin kids. And maybe one or two of those MN ho's too.
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