Dead reactionary Romanian military guy says:

"Stop looking at my beard. I mean it. Stop it, your beady eyes on my lovely lustrous beard is creeping me out. Go away. I'm not kidding."
Cameron says:

"Why am I on here again? Hey, do you think the chick behind me in the green tank top would go out with me?"
Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell says:

"I'm not Prime Minister any more so I have to charge less for my peep shows. It's not so bad though, I still make more than Brian Mulroney ever did. Oh, you wouldn't have any poutine on you would you?"
Naomi Klein says:

"I'm happy Kim Campbell is no longer our Prime Minister but I'm not so happy her peep show is making so much money. Oh yeah, buy my new book. And while you're at it, buy my old one too."
A drunk sock monkey says:

"I'm drunk. And I'm a sock monkey. Crazy huh? Really makes you think doesn't it?"
Poutine is not what I like to think about this early in the morning.
I want to know what the drunk sock monkey thinks about those Kim Campbell peep shows.
On second thought--*shudder*
There is something oddly familiar about this drunken sock monkey, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
I've never had poutine before. Is that weird?
Missy-Poutine, it's not just for breakfast anymore.
Dguz-Drunk sock omnkey isn't into human porn. He digs hot monkey on monkey action.
Ed-I'll never tell anyone that your lovely wife sent me that photo.
Jane-To be honest I have not had it yet either. But when I get to Montreal one day maybe you'll meet me there and we can dine on poutine and wash it down with Moosehead beer.
Poutine, isn't that fries and gravy or something?
Drunk on wine or beer? Jess Wundrun wants to know ...
By the way, drunken sock monkeys remind me of Tony Millionaire's "Sock Monkey" comics. I assume you've read them, but if not, check them out. Tony Millionaire is a sick man, but in a good way. Consider yourself forewarned.
And can I just say that the tails of sock monkeys make me just a little squeamish? They look like little boys' uncircumcised ... oh, never mind!
Kirby-Gravy, fries, and cheese. What's not to love?
Ed-Thanks for the heads up. I'll look out for that.
Suzy-Stop thinking of uncut penises or I may have to spank you, you naughty little Quaker Vixen.
I look forward to this blogger convention in Montreal!
Holy fuck! I know a demon on Rham that'll pay me 500 bucks to see Kim Campbell in a peep show. I bow deeply to your simian superiority!
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