Pardon me Senator Dodd, but you need to realize that oppressed people will, if given the chance in a free and fair election, vote out their oppressors and they will vote in whoever is the polar opposite of whoever was oppressing them. You know kind of like what happened when the Palestinians when given a chance voted for Hamas, a political party that promised to end the years of oppression the people had been under. And kind of like what happened in the USA in 2006 when we thought we were voting in a party that was going to end the years of Republican abuse, but who instead just keep on screwing us over by rolling over for Bush and his toadies.
It makes me sick to think that Dodd wants to be the nominee of the party of JFK and FDR and LBJ and Woodrow Wilson and Shirley Chisholm and of millions of men and women who support the spread of real democracy at home and abroad. It makes me even sicker to think of him taking the oath of office and becoming our next President. Thank goodness he, like his twin brother Joe "I never net a corporate donation I didn't like" Biden, doesn't have a hope in hell of being the nominee.
Dodd is another career politician who has been corrupted by his years and years in the Washington DC fishbowl. It takes a hell of a lot of nerve and gall to say that democracy is fine for us but not for anyone who votes in people who we don't like. Holy shit, you know who that sounds like? The fucking crook he wants to replace. I'd be willing to bet that if by some hellish miracle that Dodd was elected President that he'd just go ahead and keep Condi on as Sec. of State because that shit he said tonight sounds exactly like what she'd say.
Personally I welcome free and fair election everywhere in the world. I'd welcome the day when people in Jordan or Egypt or Saudi Arabia voted the Muslim Brotherhood into office, because if that happened then the assholes in DC would have to learn to deal with people from the Middle East as equals and not as underlings who are only fit to give us their oil so we can have cheap gas. Too bad there isn't a recall procedure whereby people can get rid of idiotic US Senators because if there was, I'd move to CT tomorrow and lead the fight to get that old fart removed from office. And then I'd go to CA and help them get rid of that traitor Diane Feinstein.
Well spoken, Dr. Monkey! a fantastic post!
Dguz-Thanks hon.
You might be well served by a quick search as to exactly who Chris Dodd is and his contribution to the senate over the last 26 years. You do not support your claims of corruption, nor even explain properly what it is you are accusing Dodd of. I don't believe that you have clearly thought through what you have just said, nor researched the man that you lambast.
I am accusing Dodd of being out of touch after years in power. Democracy should be availiable to all not just to people who will vote for candidates who vote the way he likes. And yes, I am very familiar with who Chris Dodd is. It doesn't matter what he's done in the past when he makes the claim that people in Muslim countries don't deserve the right to vote for whom they want to becasue it might upset us.
I believe that you have done Senator Dodd a disservice by using his words out of context. Dodd did not say that he wanted to keep free and fair elections out of the Middle East. He merely cautioned that free and fair elections in other countries do not guarantee an outcome that will be positive to this country. He was answering a brainfart mental exercise question about national security. You make it sound like Dodd said that he wants to expand a policy of suppressing democracy in the Middle East! that's not what he said. He said that he was not in favor of toppling Musharraf's government to advance American policy, like we toppled Saddam Hussain's government. This is what he said.
And there is striking evidence that free and fair elections in other countries can have a negative impact on this nation. Hitler was elected as Vice Chancellor in a free and fair election.
I usually agree with you on most things, but I feel that you are in error on this one point. I am not sure that you caught all of the nuances of the exchange.
I stand behind my post and how I interpreted Dodd's comments. They sounded to me to be the polar opposite of what the Democratic Party stands for and what this country used to stand for.
But it's all good that you disagree with me. Disagreement is good for all of us and it is a sign of a healthy society. However, in the future if you do disagree with one of my posts feel free to let me know in the comment and then on your blog you can feel free to elucidate all the reasons why you feel I am wrong, and I'll do the same for you when I disagree with one of your posts.
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