Tonight's episode: Murder at the Car Wash!
Oops, not really, actually tonight's episode is: Chicken Soup. The temperature has been hovering between 35 and cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey today and it's also been spitting snow too, so I decided to share with you all my chicken soup recipe. I made this this past Tuesday night.
I made roast chicken with mashed potatoes and a salad on Sunday night so I used up the rest if the chicken we did not eat. Sometimes I use chicken breasts alone but I like using left over roast chicken better because it is more juicy and it imparts a richer tastier flavor into the broth.

So I began by taking the last of the meat off the chicken carcass. Then I tossed it into my soup pot and I added this along with two cups of water:

I like Pacific brand Free Range Organic Chicken Broth better but the store I went to that day did not carry it so I had to use this brand instead. To the chicken and broth I added a tablespoon of black pepper, a dash of ginger powder (I usually use grated fresh ginger but I was out.), and three table spoons of soy sauce. I like to use soy sauce instead of salt because it adds so much good taste to the broth. I also added a dash of crushed red hot pepper and a dash or two of Thai seasoning.

Next I chopped up two stalks of celery, a half of a bell pepper, and three big ass cloves of garlic. And I tossed them all into the pot that was by then simmering nicely.

Next I added half an onion.

Then I added the ingredient that sets my chicken soup above all others, the zest of a navel orange. After zesting the orange I sliced it open and I added the juice of it to the broth as well. Then I let all those ingredients simmer together for about 20 minutes.

After the 20 minutes had gone by I added half a bag of these low fat no yolk noodles. Not too long after I added them, the soup was ready.

I served it with organic baby peeled carrots and a few slices of Granny Hare's Sourdough bread that we had gotten at Scratch Bakery earlier in the week. Of course if you like you can add carrots to the soup while it is cooking. All in all it was a fine batch of chicken soup I made and we ate it for dinner that night and we also had it for lunch the next day. I've made this using lemon instead of orange zest and it's good but for my money the orange zest and the juice of the orange really take the soup to a whole new level.
If you ever meet me and you wonder why I'm such a fat bastard it's because in that 20 minute simmer window I made these:
Oddly enough, these brownies are lower in fat than their low fat version. Compare the fat content of the two next time you're in a grocery store if you don't believe me.
Thanks for tuning in and we now return you to your regularly scheduled blog posts.
does the amount of weed put into the brownies effect the calorie content?
Keep presenting these recipes. They are great. I love the idea of orange zest -- or are you teasing?
PS: I kind of like your new banner. It's rather 1960-ish.
Hee hee monkeys, oh and cello and weed in the brownies! So fun to read!
Crayons-I never tease about orange zest. Yes, I actually put it in my chicken soup.
Linda-Yes, I am fun to read. I'm also fun on a long car ride.
Yummers on that chicken soup. I love it made with roast chicken!
And what Splotchy said. Can I lick the bowl?
Yes, keep coming with the picture by picture recipes! (Let's just say I'm at the lower end of the culinary talent scale, and need all the help I can get.) What's for dinner tonight, Dr Monkey?
Dangit, I wanted to watch Murder at the Carwash!
Splotchy-So you like brownies I guess.
D Cup-Let's have a chicken soup off!
Jane-Split pea with pork soup, along with raw baby peeled carrots, cherry tomatoes, and bread.
Dguz-Sorry, it got pre-empted for food.
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