Some of you may be wondering what our old pal Paul Wolfowitz is up to now that he lost his job at the World Bank. Well, we are pleased to report that he's been giving
interviews. Not to worry though, he still won't take any blame for his wrong doing, just like his old bosses in the corrupt Bush junta.

As the ten and a half readers of this blog will remember, we told you he broke up with this fine piece of womanhood.
Not to worry though, he's back in "da game" as the kids say. He's dating an old buddy from Washington DC. We just know that when we see him he'll tell us that "only a man knows what a man likes." Grr, tiger, grrrr.
He's been doing a bit of traveling as well since he left his World Bank job. Our photogs caught up with him here in Kosovo where he was about to devour this young Albanian baby in memory of his old pal Slobodan Milosevic.

In addition to his new paramour, Paul's got other swell people he now calls 'friends.' This group of folks just got done hearing a story about how Paul single handedly got us into the war that killed every single terrorist out there. You can see how awed they are by his tall tales.
So don't you worry about ol' Paul. He's gonna be just fine. As long as he stays classy that is!!!!
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