Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Nut Bag News Round Up

Our top story come to us from Lynchburg, VA, a town in mourning over the death of the man who was wrong on every issue of of our time. At the funeral for the man who was against integration, for Apartheid, against the right to privacy, and for the senseless slaughter of innocent Palestinians by the Israelis, a young disciple of the late Rev. Falwell was caught with homade napalm bombs that he intended to use against protestors. We here at Monkey Muck would like to point out that someone forgot to teach the lad about forgivness and loving ones enemy. Either that or they just ignore that bit o' the Bible at Liberty "University."

Next up comes word that the Pinhead in Chief (note to our Pentagon readers, more Bush bashing to follow throughout the day and a depeleted uranium post to follow as well, after I get back from playing golf) has declassified "intelligence" documents to prove that Bin Laden is "a real real threat honest he is." If this declassfied stuff is as potent and as earth shattering as that Iraq is trying to get yellow cake uranium from Niger story, then call us believers baby!

Where Are Some Formerly Famous Nut Bags Now?
This week we catch up with former US Senators Rick Santorum and George Allen.

Former Senator George Allen is reconnecting with other parts of his ancestory, no, not that Jewish bit, this time it's an ancestory he can be proud of, his Scottish side (or do we mean his backside), and hanging around school yards.

Meanwhile his former workmate Rick Santorum is just hanging out with friends.

These days Rick says that "Frendship uber alles," gets him through the rough patches of life.

Nut Bag News Round Up signing off for now, but with all the nut bags in the world, you know we'll be back soon.


Angry Ballerina said...

Thats why I wear thongs

Dr. Zaius said...

They may have forgotten to teach the young disciple of the late Rev. Falwell about forgivness and loving one's enemy in school, but at least he learned the ABCs of IEDs!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You'll have to show us that thong before we believe you Madame Ballerina, wink wink.

You are correct Doc, they teach the important things to those youngsters at Liberty.