Monday, May 14, 2007

Lighten up, it's Tuesday

Here's a list of things that made us laugh this past week (and we apologize for any delay in clips loading, pay your damn server bills You Tube!!):

  1. The Bush "shocker," via the Aristocrats. Unfamiliar with "the shocker" you say? Well go here and find all about it. And then be afraid, very afraid.
  2. For a double dip from the ice cream bucket o' political hijinx that is the Aristocrats, check this out because dick jokes are always, always funny, if their done right.
  3. We have no idea what language they're speaking on this clip, it's the inter-species romance that gets us.
  4. While shopping at Sorghum Crow's General Store this made us laugh so hard Limonata shot out of our nose.
  5. Nobody throws down quite like Samurai Frog. Who knew a reptile could be so snarky?
  6. And who knew that it took a reptile to remind us why we don't watch Regis and Kelly Lee? (This link is not, we repeat NOT safe for work, unless you work at a massage parlor, bordello, or for the Department of State)
  7. Heeeee's back and he wrote possibly the greatest throw away line ever, "Oh, and the invasion of Iraq kind of sucked too." Damn you O Evil one, we bow before your evil comic genius.
  8. Holy shit, so this is what happens to 80's New Wave bands right before they get rounded up and shot.
  9. Any gal who refers to her kids as "the spawn" is okay with us.
  10. It took Princess Sparkle Pony to remind us why we should be ashamed, so very ashamed that Condi is our Sec. Of State.
  11. The song stylings of Manila Ryce's future fiancee made us laugh out loud.
  12. And then he posted this and it reminded us of the family reunions we used to have at the Monkerstein Family Estate. The only things they would have needed to make it more like our family get togethers would have been firearms, alcohol, and a lifetime of passive aggressive simmering resentment for each other. Ahhh, those were some good times, good times.
  13. Sweet Jeebus, this is why they invented My Space, wasn't it? Who says they don't write songs like they used to?
  14. Here's something that we didn't know about until The Onion brought it to our attention. And we'll sacrifice a small animal to the dark gods that bore us so that we may be spared.
  15. He's done too damn many photoshop masterpieces lately to pick out just one that deserves mentioning, so just go visit Dr. Zaius at Zaiusnation and marvel at his photoshop wizardry, his trenchant political commentary, and his love for La Belle Pelosi.
  16. And finally, sometimes we think that the only thing funnier than hearing little kids cussing is hearing Betty White do it.


Dr. Zaius said...

Thanks for the link! I am a bit upset that I am being mentioned in the same breathe as poodle/goose interspecies porn, though. ;o)

mark hoback said...

Thanks, MM.

Manila Ryce said...

interspecies porn, is there any other kind? you monkey muckers have outdone yourself again.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Doc-YW and we all have our crosses to bear.

Mark- YW and we're honored to have yet another Aristocrat visit our blog.

Manila- Interspecies porn for all!

Evil Spock said...

I wrote about interspecial porn too!

Thanks for the shout out again! I don't know what you're on, but keep taking it and visit my site!

J.D. said...

I thought SamuraiFrogs were kick-ass amphibians, not reptiles...