Please keep listening and bowing down to Rush Limbaugh. He's just what your party needs. He's a grossly overweight drug addict who has no conception of what working people in this country have to face so he's the perfect angry white over taxed white man to lead your party.
Please tie yourselves to the tea baggers too. A small angry minority listening to a smaller angrier minority is also just the thing your party needs. You rich white folks and your house negro Michael Steele make a good match for treasonous sedition minded angry white men.
Don't ignore your evangelical base either or James Dobson and Pat Robertson might get their money lovin' gay hatin' Jesus to smite you.
And finally, by all means refer to the Democratic party as the Democrat Socialist Party of America. That name shows us all how ignorant and out of touch you and your party have become.
Please please, keep doing all those things. I'm begging you.
Great minds and all.
I've been saying this in mumbled prayers and curses as I watch Dick Bruce Cheney sneer and snarl on one show or another day after day. Keep it up you dick!
Yes, please let him continue to appear on Fox News and express himself as often as possible.
My mantra has become, "...everything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law..."
Yes, Karen. He can't keep classified what he says in public, on the airwaves...
But more importantly to me personally, I missed the end of Lost when a storm knocked out my satellite signal.
Did I miss anything? Inside the giant foot?
I think it's sad to see what the Republican party has turned into. It's not the party of Abe Lincoln anymore, that's for sure. I wish there could be a third party that could gather together all the hate-filled religious nuts, NRA idiots and war-mongers-who-don't-want-to-pay-taxes-to-finance-their-wars into one squealing pot. Then let the old-fashioned, constitution-following fiscal conservative Republican party re-form itself into a viable alternative to the uber-liberal Democrat party. Hmmm, maybe there should be a fourth party, somewhere to the right of the current Democrats.
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