Remember when I made this
flat bread recipe and posted about it? Well, I made it again last night and this time I cooked it on the new charcoal grill we got last week. I put finely diced red bell pepper, diced garlic, chopped rosemary, sage, thyme, and a bit of Thai basil in it.

Words can not describe how good it tastes when it's cooked on the grill. It was good when done on the stove, but it's a ba-jillion times better when made on the grill.
We love BBQ in our house! So much so that we grill all year round (including when icicles could fall on you and when sleet pours and when it's a zillion below zero). Cuz everything does taste better that way...
I need to go find that post again. I was in Ingles the other day and they had two pieces of nan in a bag for sale for about $3.90.
I want to try making it at home.
Mmmmm, I think i'll make that
looks soooo good.
That looks like the method for pizza on the grill. Have you tried that? I haven't yet but mean to this summer.
Mmmmmm. Bread.
That looks excellent! Is the recipe exactly as you posted it earlier, or is there more to it?
It's exactly the same recipe Bubs, I just added the herbs, garlic, and bell pepper.
I second the pizza on the grill recommendation. It's fab!
Try it with roasted red pepper, goat cheese, and a fresh basil leaf. Heaven! A summer staple at our house.
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