Monday, April 5, 2010

5 out of 5 Cardinals agree

Native American actress Tantoo Cardinal agrees that she was underused in film and television throughout her career.

Liar and drug abuser Mark McGwire agrees that even though he's a liar and drug abuser he's never forced any underage children to have sex with him like some cardinals in the Roman Catholic church have.

Hall of Fame pitcher Dizzy Dean agrees even though he's been dead since 1974 he still likes to have a few beers and listen to the musical stylings of Mojo Nixon.

This photo of Claudia Cardinale agrees that it really doesn't belong in this post because one pronounces her last name 'Car-di-nal-eh' not 'Car-dinal.'

Kurt Warner agrees that since I don't accept his faith that I'm going to a hell that doesn't exist and that people like him made up to scare people into believing their religious bull shit.
And this cardinal just wants to poop on your car. Or perhaps, you.


lisahgolden said...

I feed those cardinals, they better not poop on me. The feathered ones, that is.

Wings1295 said...

Yet again, in awe of your humor sir.

Moderator said...

Go Sox!

Ricky Shambles said...

Brilliant as always. And the cardinal is also Ohio's state bird. I guess that means lots of poop and rape in our fair state.

Kim Hambric said...

Better to be pooped on by a cardinal than pooped on by a pope.

Being pooped on is no fun, no matter who is doing the pooping. But groping and fondling. Well, that's just fine.

Anonymous said...

I like Cardinals. They make such a bold fashion statement.

Blueberry said...

I prefer the bird, even though I've been pooped on.