Monday, April 5, 2010

Congratulations to

  • our lovely niece Gini in Texas for finally making an honest man out of her long time boyfriend Frank. Way to go on getting married last weekend you crazy kids. And welcome to the family Frank and Angelica. We're glad to have you with us.
  • the Boston Red Sox for winning the opening game of the major league baseball season. All wins over the hated Yankees are sweet and this one was especially sweet since it was opening night.
  • all those reading this blog. You've chosen wisely day after day. And I thank you for doing so. Boo ya!


Barbara Bruederlin said...

I consider myself to be pretty wise, yes.

Laura said...

Congratulations to your niece! That's exciting. :P


Mnmom said...

Baby Jesus hates the Yankees. They make him cry.

And thank you, I do feel special.

Wings1295 said...

- Congrats!

- Woohoo! GO SOX!

- You rock, Doc!

Virginia Pickel said...

Thanks :)