Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bush the elder refuses to be seen in public with his dead beat son

No kidding, really, it's true. When Bush the elder found out his son was going to Ted Kennedy's funeral, he decided not to go. My sources tell me, "A spokesman for Bush said Friday that he and his wife, Barbara, decided not to attend Kennedy's funeral after learning their son, former President George W. Bush, would attend."

Pretty fucking harsh huh. Even his father won't be seen in public with him. I can't blame the old guy, I wouldn't want to be seen in public with a lyin' murderin' war criminal either.


Karen Zipdrive said...

Yikes. Usually old folks take every opportunity to be with their adult kids.
Also, retired politicians never miss a chance to see their old buddies and catch up.
Junior must be an even bigger turd than we thought.

Snad said...

You can spin that any way you want, Monkey, but the slap was the Ted Kennedy, form what I can see. Bush I seems to think W was representative enough to cover for him so he didn't have to show up and pretend to be in mourning.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Have you ever met a joke of mine you didn't want to kill Snad?

Margaret Benbow said...

I saw that movie where Josh Brolin plays Dubya, and by the end actually felt some sympathy for the man--which made me want to slap myself up'side the head!

Karen Zipdrive said...

Some people felt sympathy for O.J. Simpson, too.

Smartpatrol said...

I wouldn't want to be seen in public with a lyin' murderin' war criminal either.

Takes one to know one. Apples don't often fall far from the tree, esp. in those New England WASP clans w/ a slight history if inbreeding.

Keith said...

HA! Perfect!

Life As I Know It Now said...

He should be deeply ashamed of himself but he's not. He should also be ashamed of his son. The Bush's have done so much to ruin our country--they are traitors and should be in prison right now.