Saturday, March 7, 2009


I went to see The Watchmen last night with my friend Keith and his sons. And I can safely say that it's feckin' great. It's the real deal, the whole enchilada. It's all that and a truck load of chips. It's the bee's knees, the ant's thorax, and dog's bollocks.

And as a fan of the original comic book series/graphic novel, I know where of I speak.

I'm not about to cannonize the film's director Zack Synder, but holy heck he did a superb job with this comic book property. The adaptation is so close to the original work it's stunning. Every actor has been cast perfectly and they all shine. Alan Moore, the reclusive genius who wrote the original series/graphic novel, has always been a twat when it comes to film adaptations of his work but in this case there's really no need because this film is so good. I'm glad I got to see this movie on the big screen and maybe I'll go again. And of course I'll get the DVD with all the extras when it hits the stores because I liked it that damn much.

Listen to me when I tell you that if you have read the comic, you will love this adaptation. If you have not read the comic, then read it and then go see the movie, you'll love it and appreciaite the film all the more. And if you never read the comic and don't know what the hell it's all about, see the film when you can because it stands very well on it's own and you'll like this movie.

A word of warning though, just because it's based on a comic book/graphic novel doesn't mean it's a movie for little children, it's not. It's violent, there is senseless brutality in it, and there's sex, explicit sex, in it, so leave the under 12 year old set at home and the rest of you go see this or get it on DVD when it comes out.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Did you go to a midnight showing? You crazy youngster, you!

Megan said...

I'm with you!

Haven't read the comic yet but after last night it is top of the list of things to do.

Dr Zibbs said...

I can't wait to see this!

Ubermilf said...

I'm just reading Watchmen now. I saw a hint of disappointment in Dilf's eyes when he learned I had not read it before.

I was looking forward to seeing this movie, but the Chicago Tribune critic panned it. I trust your opinion more. I am looking forward to seeing it once again!

Nan said...

All the critics seem to be panning it.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Critics know nothing. See the movie.

Dale said...

I loved the book and will wait until this opening weekend hoo-ha is over. I'm going to go see it on an IMAX screen I think and let it consume me. Looking forward to it and glad you liked it so much.

Pilkey said...

I too love the book and I enjoyed the film. However, I fear that Watchmen neophytes won't enjoy this film quite as much. It seemed to notch up the violence quite a bit compared to the graphic novel - more blood and lots of graphic Matrix like kick ass fight scenes. That said, the film is amazingly true to the story with dialogue seemingly lifted from the pages. Jackie Earl Hailey was excellent. Zack Snyder did make some fairly major changes in the ending, but his ending actually worked better for me than the book. Oh, and beware- this film is very long. My advice is to spend a week absorbed in the graphic novel before you see the film. Then go see the film and notice the amazing details replicated in the film. I happened to be in the great Malaprops bookstore in Asheville the day after I saw the film and was amazed at all the details which were consistent in the book and the film. Overall - a big success (but read the book first!)

Dean Wormer said...

Agreed. this was a great flick.