Friday, March 6, 2009

Pop Culture Friday

This week's pop culture question over at the Onion AV Club blog is:

What is the worst movie-watching experience you’ve had in another person’s company (be it a date, your parents, classmates, etc.)?

For me it was in 1982 when I went to see Friday the 13th part 3 in 3D with some of my college pals. Sure, we were all smoked up on Mary Jane and had slammed down more than a few Budweisers and maybe we expected the movie to be the Citizen Kane of 3D horror movies but damn, it stank worse then a barrel full of rotten shell fish. It was so bad in fact the we walked out after the first ten minutes and we tracked down the manager of the Bristol Mall 5. When we finally found him and we told him how much we hated the movie, and there may have been a stray threat to shove our 3D glasses into his "small space" if he didn't co-operate with us, he gave us a free pass each to see a movie of our choice at a later date.

What movie did we use those free passes on? I'm ashamed to say it was First Blood starring the elfin Sylvester Stallone.


John said...

Sorry I couldn't help but laugh out fact, nearly pee'd my pants LOL! I'm surprised you stoners got free passes for another movie!

Ahhh the good ole days! Been there, done that!

Megan said...

The guy that took me to see Matrix: Revolutions would say it was seeing it with me. Maybe I shouldn't have "gone back to the car to get something" before we went in...

Travelingman Rick said...

Waterworld...enuf said.

Anonymous said...

Be Cool...It was so bloody horrible! I kept looking at my husband like "Is this for real?" LOL

Joe said...


That was my Stallone impression. Did you like it?

Anonymous said...

My worst movie date never even made it to the theatre. The guy drove around L.A. for two hours looking for the theatre before giving up and taking me to dinner at a crappy restaurant. The cherry on that sundae came when he started telling me about his days as a street preacher. Check please!

Elizabeth said...

I loved this story. I thought the free passes were a great punchline, until I read the bit about "First Blood!" LOL!

barbie2be said...

a midnight showing of "a clockwork orange". it was so violent that it made me vomit.

BeckEye said...

I don't remember the specific movie, but I know the first time I saw one with a sex scene while watching with my Dad was pretty damn uncomfortable.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

many MANY years ago, i was young and still had a lot of catholic school floating guilt.

high school virgin, wouldn't swear, wouldn't even say, "fart!"

my then boyfriend and his older brother and his wife told me we were going to see a really cool movie.

oh yeah, "i am curious yellow"
(i should have known something was up when they asked me to lie about my age)

i was so embarassed i ended up banging my head on the seat in front of me trying to duck my face away as i had a meltdown right then and there.

we left.

i'm older and not even close to that innocent.

i can laugh now.

Ubermilf said...

"Mars Attacks" when I was freshly divorced. I went with a guy who was REALLY interested in me and I just wanted to get back gently into the dating game.

Soon after he invited me to Christmas dinner with his family.

I had gone on 2 dates with him.

I was terrified.

dguzman said...

Ubermilf's story was so scary that it even scared me, and it didn't even happen to me.

My worst has to be taking this female couple I knew to see Long Kiss Goodnight. VERY violent movie, but in a great way -- one of my faves. I'd built this movie up to be like a cross between Citizen Kane and Kill Bill, and we didn't even get through the first violent scene (where she has to snap a deer's neck to put him out of his misery, after she's hit him with her car)--they were both about to puke, and they demanded we leave. And then they were too chicken to ask for our money back! Sheesh.

MommyLisa said...

I saw Pulp Fiction with my parent and brother - nothing brings a family together like an anal rape scene. ;)

Anonymous said...

I like to eat my popcorn very slowly to make it last for most of the movie, but I guess my date was a little OCD because after the first 5 minutes he grabbed my popcorn out of my hands and gobbled it all up in seconds telling me he couldn't stand the squeaking noise of me chewing one kernal at a time. Riiiiiggghhhht. I excused myself and slowly backed out of the cinema and scurried home. I don't even remember the movie, but the guy actually called me back to see if I wanted to go out again.

Madam Z said...

Back in 1990, my man-friend and I went to a theater to see "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover." It was very well made, well acted and had a compelling story line. BUT! It was the most horrifyingly gory movie I have ever seen! I have an extremely low tolerance for gore and kept jumping out of my seat and running out to the lobby. But, as I mentioned, the story was compelling, so I had to go back in and see what was happening, hoping that the nastiness had let up. That worked most of the time, but toward the end of the film, I came back into the theater just in time to see the already tortured "lover" having animal entrails shoved down his throat, until he finally choked to death.

I didn't sleep well that night.

Unknown said...

But First Blood was actually GOOD!!

Anonymous said...

Back in 1990, my man-friend and I went to a theater to see "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover."

Oh, Jesus! You don't have to say anymore!