Friday, January 16, 2009

6 more things

One of my Minnesota home girls, Mommy of Mommy's Nest, tagged me with the 6 Things You Didn't Know About Me meme. You all know the rules so I'm going straight to my list:

1. I've become a Flickr addict ever since I got a "Pro" account. I love putting the shots I take with my digital camera on there and I love putting all the crazy stuff I scan on there as well.
2. I love all the Flickr friends I've made in the past few months. Folks like Eartha Kitsch, Charm and Poise, Miss Retro Modern, Sparkleneely, and all the other guys and gals rock what with their great photos and comments.
3. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping if I don't get enough exercise during the day, like now for instance, I can't get outside to walk or anything because it too cold, so I'll stay up late scanning stuff, playing cards on Yahoo!, watching TV, or playing The Simpsons or some other inane game on my X Box 360.
4. I remember what a house being bombed sounds like because the police fire bombed a house not too far from us when I was a kid living in Detroit. It sounds kind of like thunder and so sometimes when I hear thunder I wonder if it's thunder or a bomb hitting a house.
5. I might go back to Michigan one day to visit but there is no way in hell I'd ever live back there full time. I like a bit of cold and snow but winter lasts too long up there.
6. I actually like to shop. I like going to the grocery store and to stores like Target, TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, and to any thrift or junk store I can find. And I love flea markets more than life itself and that's mainly because I love to look at the people who shop there. It's a great place to spot mullets.

If you just read all that then consider yourself tagged.


Life As I Know It Now said...

I hate shopping anymore. Been doing it for too many years I guess. I do like flea markets though because you just never know what you are going to find there.

themom said...

Now you have me thinking...why is it that flea markets DO seem to atract more mullet people????? So cool, that you like to shop too!

Chris said...

A friend of mine took me to the flea market in Dalton, GA (from Cleveland, TN) and you couldn't be more right. What an amazing display of oddities, and I'm NOT talking about the merchandise.

ReRe said...

i didn't realize you were from michigan! i love white boys from michigan :) my hubby is a yooper (from Escanaba)

Gifted Typist said...

Hey I'm a Flickr pro too. (knuckle punching Monkey). I should be using it more. I don't know how to socialize on Flickr. Please write a post and tell us and I will follow suit.

Gifted Typist said...

EArtha Kitsch.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Can you run to the store and pick me up some tequila and limes?

lisahgolden said...

I love flickr, but I'm rather lame at it. Thank you for all your fun comments on my photos.

Recently, we were cruising through some antique/thrift/junk stores and I kept thinking 'hey! Dr. MVM would love this!'

Perhaps I need to pick you up some swag........address please. I think I have something you might like.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I did the 6 things meme . . . and I was surprised at how far back I had to dig to come up with 6 things I was willing to share and hadn't already on my blog.

Bacon Lady said...

I also like to shop even it's just for groceries. Though I much prefer Target.

I just like to find stuff on the cheap.

I have a flikr account, but I don't remember the password. I'm inspired. Maybe I'll start a new one.

Suzy said...

"It's a great place to spot mullets." At the flea market? I always go to the FISH market when I'm looking for mullets.

Don't like the extended cold? You wouldn't have been too happy here the last couple days -- temperatures in the negative double digits. Today it's a heat wave -- 14˚F!

Sparkleneely said...

Awww, Dr. Monkey -- thanks for the shout out! I love your blog and photostream. I've been SO behind on Flickr lately and I miss it! But I feel the same way you do -- I count you and the other usual suspects you listed as real friends and I'm so thrilled to "know" all of you. I just wish we could go thrifting and to Target together!!!!


John said...

Hey Dr. Monkerstein, love your blog and considered myself tagged on the meme. I did it too, my first...that was not an easy task! Hope I don't regret it!