Friday, January 16, 2009

Hey dumb ass...

...don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. You are nothing short of shameless and you'll go down in history as the worst President we ever had inflicted on us. I know you think that if you keep telling us that you did a great job that maybe it will sink in and we'll actually start to believe you. But it's never going to happen...ever. And here's why:
  • You took a surplus and you turned it into a trillion dollar deficit.
  • You did not keep us safe. Those planes that hit the Twin Towers, you were warned about them and you did nothing to stop them.
  • You lied to us about why we had to go to war.
  • You refused to listen to the military professionals who tried to tell you how to fight the wars we should not have been fighting because you thought you and your staff of yes men knew better.
  • You approved torture and you are guilty of war crimes.
  • You're lack of regulation and accountability has led to the economic meltdown and thousands of deaths.
  • You refuse to believe that you did anything wrong when in fact your whole Presidency was a case study of what not to do while President.
  • You took more vacations than any other President while most Americans had to give up theirs.
  • You ate organic food while in the White House while most of us had to eat genetically modified food slathered with pesticides.

If you had a shred of decency in you then you'd just shut the fuck up and you'd slink away with your tail between your legs. I can't wait for the grown ups to take charge the second you are out of office. It's going to take years to undo the mess you made you delusional bastard, now please just go the hell away.

16 comments: said...

Amen and Amen. Tuesday can't come fast enough.

John said...

Let the war crime trials begin!

themom said...

I swear he had to be on some major drugs, when he gave that insane speech last night...can't he please just GO AWAY!!!!!

SaoirseDaily2 said...

This is the best explanation of the worst president ever. Slink away with his tail betweem his legs...perfect.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

BRAVO!!!!! BRAVO!!!!

You hit the nail on the head! This perfectly sums up the Idiot in Chief we've had to endure for the last 8 years.

Life As I Know It Now said...

He did not keep the country safe and he still puts us in danger every day he let's his thugs run things. Excellent rant here Doc.

Elizabeth said...

I was in the cardio room at the gym where I teach a Thursday Spinning class yesterday, talking with one of my friends. W came onto the screen as my friend and I were talking (we are the only dems in that place), and I had to crush the urge to yell: "Good riddance, jack@ss!" at the tv, because we were surrounded by rampant Republicans.

I won't be listening to anything W says, and I won't pay attention to anything he does—except when he steps out of the White House and into obscurity.

pissed off patricia said...

I came to the conclusion that either he's insane or all of us are. I say that because that speech last night appeared to me to be the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard in my life. Not one true sentence in he whold damned thing. A sane person couldn't have told that many lies to an entire world with a straight face.

I hope to hell we never hear his voice again. I also hope someone burns some white sage in the white house before the Obamas move it. There are some evil spirits in that place and they need to be cleared out.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

The front page of our newspaper was filled with a list of Bushisms this morning. You have to admit, he often made us laugh.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Barb-He made you laugh but he made millions of us cry.

Karen Zipdrive said...

What? He ate organic food? I figured him for Ball Park hot dogs, Velveeta, ground beef, Tater Tots, canned veggies, Ding Dongs and lotsa sugary sodas.
GO figure.

Mrs. Polly said...

A lot of papers printed multiple pictures of W's facial expressions during that speech. He has the face of an old-time comedian. But not the self-awareness.

The Three Stooges KNEW they were Stooges.

A friend of mine thinks Cheney will be lighting out for Dubai, home of Halliburton. Of course, he'll have to have a coffin of Washington earth as checked luggage.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

yes, oh i can't wait til he's gone!

Ubermilf said...

I agree that he's adding insult to injury. Isn't it enough that he got what he wanted for himself and his friends while screwing the rest of us? Now he wants us to LIKE him, too, or tell him he did a good job? Don't most supervillians at least have the decency to accept public disapproval?

Unknown said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

lisahgolden said...

I'm perplexed by Bush. Was he trying hard to be such a bad president or did it just come naturally?

Your list is dead on.