Monday, December 15, 2008

For the record

Despite the fact that I am an avowed Atheist who has no use for any organized religion, I do not hate Christmas and I have no desire to wage war on it. I don't even mind the 'commercialization' of it. But here's what I do hate about this time of year:
  • the fake phony bullshit 'war on Christmas.' The whole thing is a fiction that was made up by people who want to have someone or something to hate and demonize, and in this case it's people who are not Christians like them.
  • the assholes who constantly bray about the war on Christmas. Bill O and the rest of those media jackals need ratings and controversy so they pick a segment of the population to hate and pick on that will make them look good to the Bible thumping rubes.
  • the store personnel who are bullied into screaming "Merry Christmas!!" at each and every person who steps into their shop. They live in fear of being on Bill O's shit list so they screech those two words that I once so happily said aloud but now almost refuse to utter because of that blotchy faced prig O'Rielly.
  • the sanctimonious Bible thumpers who claim that "Jesus is the reason for the season!" Bull shit. There have been celebrations around the winter solstice for centuries, and since historically speaking Christianity is a small blip on the radar screen of mankind's past, those celebrations had nothing to do with the son o' God allegedly being born this time of year. It's another joyous time that the bastards in the early church decided they had to co-opt or else they might not get enough followers to go along with thier made up religion.

So what then does this time of year mean to me, an Atheist? It means getting together with friends and loved ones and celebrating another year gone by. It means sharing with others I don't know via charitable giving. Yes that's right, even though I am an Atheist I still give to charities, and some of them are even religious in nature. Christmas to me has nothing to do with some delusional woman squirting out a baby in a barn somewhere in the Middle East thousands of years ago, to me it means it's a time to put up a tree and decorate the house to make it cheery in the face of the advancing winter. Just because I don't subscribe to the religious aspects of it that doesn't mean that I want to ban it or to stop others from enjoying it any way they want as long as they don't interfere with me and the way I celebrate it.

I like Christmas. I like putting up a tree. I like that Sparky likes decorating for the holiday and that she likes baking cookies and bread this time of year as well. I like going to and giving Christmas parties. I like Christmas shopping and I like giving and receiving gifts. I like it that most everyone gets the day off for the holiday, I think we can all agree that folks here in the USA don't get enough days off from their corporate overlords so why would anyone want to ban the Christmas holiday?

The only people who have a problem with Christmas are the pricks who think everyone should think and act like they do.


John Shuck said...

Well said! That's why I like you! Oh, and lots of other reasons too!

dguzman said...

Amen to that, Monkey. I'm really pumped about the solstice/yule this year, as I'll be participating in my first pagan yule circle.

barbie2be said...

can i get an AMEN! you hit this nail squarely on the head, dr. monkey.

happy festivus!

Mnmom said...

AMEN again!
I celebrate the message of Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward all Mankind.

I love the music, the decorations, the festivities, etc.

And in public, I say Happy Holidays and screw O'Reilly!

MommyLisa said...

I agree with everything except the present part. I stress over what to get - so lately I just worry about what to get Boo Boo, Sair and Snake. They appreciate what we get them a lot.

I will blog that today!

Anonymous said...

We're awash for the reason for the season and Christmas is a Birthday signs in the area. No surprise there.

But what kills me are when those signs are stuck in yards covered up in inflatable snowmen, hard plastic, lit Santas, and candy canes lining the sidewalk.

I love that grouping of trees you have in the picture.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

D Cup-Thanks! I call those our Dr. Suess trees.

Dean Wormer said...

Damned straight about the "Merry Christmas."

I'd say that if it hadn't been turned into a battle cry.

I'm an atheist as well.

Snad said...

I took a Yule log to my nephew's French Class today to teach them about something French. I enjoyed telling them that it was a Pagan celebration originally. The biggest kick I got was going off on a bit of a tangent (the question was asked) about other Christian holidays that were taken over from Pagan customs, particularly when I told them that the Easter Bunny sprang from a Pagan ritual celebrating fertility, because, after all, bunnies are well known for creating more bunnies. It was a good day for all.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-You have made the baby Jeebus and I very happy with your truth telling. Well done you.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

right on!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm another non-believer who has no problem celebrating Christmas. Or Hannukah. Who can resist potato pancakes? No one, that's who.