For those of you who do not know the way secret blogger Santa program works is this:
- if you are a blogger who wants to participate send me an email with the words Secret Santa in the subject line. Send those emails to monkeymuckATgmailDOTcom. You will get matched up with another blogger and you will be their secret Santa.
- all emails must be received by me before midnight Eastern Standard time on Thursday Dec. 18th. All emails telling you who you are to be the secret Santa to will be sent out Friday Dec. 19th.
- you then do a post sometime before Christmas about what you got for the blogger you were matched up with.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Christmas secret Santa program, you do not actually have to spend any money on the person who you are a secret Santa to. You do not actually physically buy anything for the person who you are a secret Santa to. You only do a post about what you'd like to buy them, or you can do a post and include a link to a website they might like, or you can do a post and include a photo in it that your person might enjoy looking at. Again let me be very clear for those literal minded among you, and you know who you are, no money changes hands and you do not actually buy gifts for the person you are secret Santa to.
Last year we had a few people who ended up getting nothing for one reason or another and to make sure that this does not happen again this year I will ask you to send me an email back telling me who you are the secret Santa to after I send out the emails telling everyone who they are going to be secret Santa for. The secret blogger Santa program is all about happiness and joy, so send in those emails and be a secret Santa to a deserving blogger who you know and love.
The secret blogger Santa and secret Santa gift exchange idea were not my original idea. That honor goes to Dr. Zaius and to Germaine Gregarious. I apologize if any of you thought that I came up with this on my own. I did not. Hopefully now that I added that disclaimer someone, and you know who you are, will get their panties out of their crack and lighten up.
So if say here that I'm in, and that I've already emailed you, does it screw up everything?
Make it something awesome, people!
Well, I wasn't going to, but since Zaius is apparently throwing a hissy fit, count me in! I'll send an email, directly. I know you won't publish it without asking me, first.
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