Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Spoltchy tagged my ass...

...with a new meme! I am always pleased to do tags, unlike some other bloggers who shall remain nameless, so here are the rules:
1. Post the rules

2. Close your eyes

3. Count to five seconds

4. Type a whole bunch of random crap on the keyboard while you're counting

5. Open your eyes

6. Tag a few people

Here goes:










Mmmmmm, that was fun. Now I tag MNMom, Missy, Kirby, Sujaco, and Jess Wundrun. Ladies, I beg you, keep the silliness alive. If not for me then for little Splotchy.


Mnmom said...

asdpf**l;ajsdlfkaepom, afsmdfapoeo*AKL9oawmknr

take THAT!!

Splotchy said...

I am envious of your all caps nonsense.

Katie Schwartz said...

What an interesting tag. We could almost interpret this like reading tea leaves, something I don't know how to do or know very much about. Jumping to conclusions as you know is my cardio. So....

You're an "L" man, a lovah. Lot's of J's, too. Jewish by osmosis and I see O's aplenty. Someone appreciates a good gazzy.

Elizabeth said...

Now this is a tag worth doing.

Anonymous said...

I won't tag anyone else, but here goes:


Let's see, it kind of starts out like a personal add, doesn't it? Sexy, mojo-ie, white dame...

Snad said...

No one tagged me, but this looks like a nice venting device.
1. Post the rules
2. Close your eyes
3. Count to five seconds
4. Type a whole bunch of random crap on the keyboard while you're counting
5. Open your eyes
6. Tag a few people

Here goes:
n'qwgrkn['opinqgfjn qgekjn['qeg;j'n vq[o'injqvem 'qerkm '
egqn]p0ivdl'kmn qgekonmrfqm 'qgjkonemkn

jfnmdotjnj;nv;jriuhtaty tin the world hasjmv cvoenf nmvojfrtnxz

One more time:
jmfjago[jbneraqnmj 'vjn 'ojkafn'kn mv 'kafn bklaf lkmad 'AKD a
FLKbmfaLbmLm nf:Knmfa:Kna:KFvb n;AFEDKbn ma.

Meh. Not so thrilling, actually. Ah well.

DivaJood said...


dguzman said...

Little Splotchy's got some weird tastes.

GETkristiLOVE said...

The first line is definitely Klingon.

Freida Bee said...

Oh no you di'nt!