Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Party of hope, party of fear

I've noticed the Obama and McCain commercials during the Olympics and the biggest difference between them, besides the lies in the McCain ads, is that it's obvious that the Republicans are attacking Obama to try to keep people as scared as Bush/Cheney did.

Bush McCain's ads start from a fearful place, fear of an educated black man, fear of "the other." They want to keep the sheeple cowed and frightened of trying something new because by golly it's scary and we should just stay with what we've got. They use the old canards that Obama is going to raise taxes and cut jobs, as if he could do either since Congress controls the purse strings of the nation and the only jobs Obama can cut are those of his cabinet.

Obama's ads, thus far anyway, have focused not on the fear of what Bush McCain will do but on what all of us can achieve together, things like tackling the climate crisis and job creation in the alternative energy fields. It's refreshing to see my candidate remind us that we can be a better country if we all work together.

And since they seem to be grasping at straws as their man gasps his way in this election, it's refresing to see the Bush McCain campaign stick with the same kind of campaign that lost them so many Republican seats in 2006.


Anonymous said...

Let's hope that our fellow Americans won't fall for it again.

Dean Wormer said...


I'm not so sure but hope springs eternal.

dguzman said...

I think it's clear how desperate, out of touch, and ruined the repug party is -- when their best guy is a 72-yr-old lying asskissing fart who can't lift his arms above shoulder-level, you know they're grasping at straws. Rotten stinky straws.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i love the poster!

Elizabeth said...

Well, if they stick with what they know, then out the door they'll be forced to go.

Their way doesn't work.