Monday, August 18, 2008

Eat up with stupid

We passed by a big $200,000+ house this afternoon and it had a sign in the yard that said, "McCain: Because he's not a socialist!"

I bet by September they'll have one that says, "McCain: Because he's not a militant black Muslim who will force us all to have gay sex!"

Then by mid October they'll have another one that says, "Obama hates white people but he's going to knock up your lilly white daughter!"

And by election day it'll be, "A vote for Obama means certain death for all white people!"


Joe said...

Ah crap.

I woke up the other morning, no kidding, and the first thing that popped into my head was "Obama is going to lose because he's black." I have not been able to shake that all week.

Those yard signs reinforce the fear. Because, let's face it, cranky and hateful (probably middle-aged or older) homeowners vote at a much higher rate than the young people or minorities who are Obama's biggest supporters.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Take it easy buddy, Obama is going to win.

lulu said...

TenS wants to post signs in peoples' yards that say:

I heart Global Warming
I heart My Money
I heart McCain

Odile said...

Really the people still fearing "the red treating", but this is the XXI century, there´s no such thing like socialist any more, even Cuba is getting capitalist.....

Fear turn the people stupid, or is because they are Republicans?...

Missy said...

Good predications.

Meanwhile, where I live, a big $200,000 house is probably nearly condemned or in a very bad neighborhood. Sigh.

Mnmom said...

After that house sits on the market for a year and the owner slowly drops his asking price, he'll be singing a different tune!!!


Anonymous said...

Followed by "Obama: The return of the Black Plague". These people are morons.

Anonymous said...

You're right,Dr. MVM. It's only going to get worse. The smartest thing the Dems can do is hit back hard and often and with simple language.

Snad said...

I'm tenpted to put up a sign in my yard that says:
McCain: you can never be screwed by too many rich old white guys.

Unknown said...

odile, the American idiots (rethugs, neocons, etc.) are so stupid that they learned the buzzword "socialist" from FauxNoise and Rush Limbaugh and now they use it ad nauseum and inappropriately. They don't even know what it means. None of them have read Marx. And yet all FauxNoise and Rush Limbaugh have to do is coin the phrase and, as Monkey Von Monkerstein points out, like magic, it ends up on some rich white person's lawn! Voila!

Yep. That's how stupid they are.

Freida Bee said...

I rather wish Obama were a socialist. Then I might think we're all going to have health care after he wins and he'd tell the corporate profiteers to take a hike. He's so much better than McMuffin, at least, and Bubs, I just can't think of such a thing. It makes my heart hurt.

Elizabeth said...

They might as well just put a burning cross on their front lawn.